Good article. Thanks. What's the deal with the photo at the bottom of the article? I assume it's photoshopped but I'm aware that it's foolish to assume anything (especially nowadays with the belief in any God being off the table for the majority and as a result deception becoming so widespread that it appears to know no bounds).

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Good call. He’s so fake you never know.

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A cyborg or a thing wearing a human meat suit that works for the Synagogue of Satan. Look into it's mom too- witch if you ever saw one.

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You contradict yourself a lot in this Terra. Musk is a fictional character. Everything (almost) he does in public is this fictional character. That includes his dress up costume and his AI etc.

You have worked out space X is a scam and full of shit but then want to believe he is really investing in AI and believes in magic demons rather than just scamming. It's like realising Santa is fake but still believeing in the tooth fairy and magic Jesus.

You are underestimateing the level of scamming by such a huge margin. Or at least toning it down for your audience. The whole show including religion, government, celebrity etc etc is simply a show.

Anyway an entertaining read. Well written.

PS even legit companies are scamming their shareholders. One method is giving contracts out to cronies and family who then make massive profits.

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OTO Nazi

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He’s our sci-fi Messiah

Leading us all to techno heaven

Don’t you use X?

One day, the last of the humans will battle cyborgs in his great arena

So glorious

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Excellent sarc!

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Great article! Another indication that Elon is the front man for military intelligence operations, besides not knowing the technical details of his own projects, is that he has so much free time to argue on X and larp on /pol/ as Adrian Dittmann and write love letters to himself.


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Our “free speech hero” who remotely hangs-10 on the aether about 72 miles up because that's the best his money can buy.

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Space is fake and so is Elon.

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I’m buggered if I know…..

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Excelent article! Thanks! I only want to know more about Ezra Pound And Chomsky. But it's another history.

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I don't know why, but that pic at the end had me laughing.

I'm not sure who Elon Musk is, but I do know that he's not our friend.

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Great article! Thanks a lot! Please could you explain the Starlink hoax?

I know they are cheating us, but the point I can't understand is that you can buy a Starlink connection in France or in the Brazilian Amazon, and it works, but how?

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I mean, in the Brazilian Amazonian region. How these wifi internet signals arrive to the houses? Balloontelites? Stratospheric airplanes? Tropospheric Scatters? We need to understand that cos' when Twitter was closed in Brazil, Musk fought Moraes, a hell's creature who runs nowadays the Brazilian Supreme Court. Than he became an "Icon of the free-speach Liberalism" for half the population, those who are against Lula and the Supreme Court.

Finally Musk and the Brazilian Government make a deal. Musk accept it and payed the fines...

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Excellent article. So many great questions presented, which of course highlight the impossibility that this fool is a "genius" high tech wizard. Just a CIA apparatus cut out, who serves as the faceman of DARPA released tech into the world. He's such an obvious scammer, and you covered various angles to prove it. Whether its the shady connections to intelligence, or the harder to read (because not many have the knowledge) about symbology on his Halloween suit.

Some of the proofs he is a fraud are simply there for any/all to see and think through themselves. I hadn't seen the glitch moment from the heavy falcon launch, but, I did immediately see that the tires on the roadster did not blow up due to decompressing in 'space.' that alone shows it to be a fraud and some kind of visual based deception. It doesn't have to work on all to get a pass though, just most people, and most people are pretending to be asleep and/or are NPC's.

By the way, the blue bird symbol associated with Twatter refers to the book the CIA used to have all trainees read as part of their indoc process. I forget the title of the book at this moment. This is also where the CIA got the name for Project Bluebird. That alone shows the entirety of Twatter to have been CIA from get go! People just don't read AND they don't understand occultism and occultists' practices. The standard normie is easy to pick off and control as such.

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From the looks of it exploring the Judas goat that is Elon Musk is in order today. Some might consider these two reads. Obviously he’s a fraud, but what is it he’s ultimately a part of hiding?


(from may 2022)


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A Jew!

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