They will be known as the Blackrock thieves fire.

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You don't "bounce" RF off of nothing. RF goes through air. RF can only bounce off of SOLID objects, or dense clouds full of rain.

"The Ionosphere" - code speak for the Firmament.

They've always known.

Y'all can't see yet.

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Do you mean this?….

Disney's Pixar Studio Exposed the Dome


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Dr Judy Wood was right.

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They are Planned Wildfires.

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Totally planned and coordinated

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you are right!

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You guys are hilarious. You’ll be saying that winter is a conspiracy next. (“Seasons just randomly changing the same way every year? Too much of a coincidence if you ask me!”)

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Your willful ignorance is showing….but at least you’ve got plenty of company.


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There’s a need for cheap real estate to be available for building the smart stadiums an infrastructure for the 2028 Olympics which coincidently were in the areas that these fires are raging

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The Clockwork Shadow: An Energy of Secretary Lament based on Chris White (Trump’s pick)

Beneath the veil of state design,

A specter stirs through covert line,

Chris White ascends, a cipher’s guise,

His polished mask but cloaked disguise.

At BlackHydra’s throne of oil and fire,

He forged his path, his dark empire.

Through Arctic chills to Amazon’s breath,

His trade was plunder, his yield was death.

In whispers deep, they spin the tale,

Of deregulation’s wicked gale.

Methane loosed, green laws undone,

A race toward a scorched earth run.

The “clean coal” ruse, a fleeting gleam,

A Trojan horse within the scheme.

Geoengineering tempts the sky,

While truths of science he’ll deny.

A technocrat? A puppeteer,

Embedding pawns year after year.

He binds the watchdog, dulls the blade,

In Kafka’s maze, all laws degrade.

He casts as villains those who fight,

For Earth, for truth, for solar light.

“Globalists!” his battle cry,

To fracture minds and amplify.

Through webs of power, his chessboard grows,

As pipelines pulse where the land once glows.

The commons crushed, the megaphones ring,

While fossil barons crown their king.

Yet those who watch with eagle’s sight,

See through the fog of scripted blight.

Connect the threads, expose the plan,

Awake the will of every man.

For though the game seems darkly played,

The light of truth cannot be swayed.

The Earth resists, its voice profound,

And those who hear shall turn it ’round.

Resist the burn, the shadowed grip,

Reverse the course of White’s dark ship.

For in the clash of night and dawn,

The people rise, the lie withdrawn.


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I wish they could direct that energy to my house electric wires and reduce my bill! Soaring energy cost another way to break population will.

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How does the fire move from house to house so quickly, without using the surrounding vegetation to aid its movement? Embers from one building to the next absolutely does NOT explain it

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Plasma. Artificially created and manipulated cf weather warfare.

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The ARE ‘wild’ if your partying round the Drone Consul, snorting Coke….

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I hope this comment won't be deemed too far afield, but I am concerned because much of the media is using the fires to deflect attention away from the criminality of Donald Trump. While journalism which exposed what went wrong and how we can avoid these infernos in the future would be welcome, much of the reporting just reitterates what we already know: The fires are terrible.


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And in this discussion, those who say this is natural leave out some important considerations. Insurance was cut off before the fires. Three fires miles apart started simultaneously (happens routinely in Canada). Water shut off, reservoirs deliberately left empty. Wildfire season in California typically starts in June so a mid winter wildfire right in Los Angeles is very atypical. Firefighters ordered to stand down. Arsonists already caught with numerous reports of continued arson.

And the big one: someone did a deep dive on both the Olympics in 2028, and a slew of re-zoning by laws made that enable large apartment complexes. And that's only part of the evidence. There's enough accumulated evidence to convict. And have you seen that interview with Newsome all giddy in front of a burned out building? One more thing:

Government military admitting they have DEWS.

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