Something definitely stinks about the Pacific Palisades and Alta Dena fires, as well as the rest of the ‘wild fires’ in the Los Angeles area.
Remember the Lahaina and Santa Rosa fires?
Here’s a link to a post on the Maui Fires:
Maui Fires By Design
Here’s a link to a 24 Minute video on The 2017 Santa Rosa Fires, that I originally posted on You Tube right after the fires, and moved to Bitchute when YouTube started heavily censoring, with arbitrary strikes:
The Genocidal California Fires Operation
None of these fires are caused by ‘Wild Fires’ . The photo immediately above makes that crystal clear. The vegetation isn’t even scorched. There’s also lots of vegetation in the photos above from Lahaina and Pacific Palisades. So-called wild fires that have done this much damage to houses wouldn’t have left much vegetation at all.
Below are some photos of what a typical house fire does to a house:

The white coloring in the bottom left photo is residue from fire suppresion liquids.
In the three photos above from Santa Rosa, Lahaina and Pacific Palisades the fire residue is white and not black like the 4 photos above. This is because the fires in Santa Rosa, Laahina and Pacific Palisades were electrical/EMF generated fires.
A good example of the use of this destructive approach is the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9-11.
Explosives and thermite may have been used in the buildings, but there’s a huge problem with claiming that these substances were used to bring WTC 1 and 2 down and that problem was the fact that there was far too little rubble left when these buildings came down. The following photo was taken before any debris was removed:
The following videos discuss the use of directed energy weapons to bring down the twin towers on 9-11:
As explained in the videos above, the destructive process is created by creating a standing EMF (Electromagnetic Field) wave in the area to be disintegrated and then firing an EMF beam into that standing wave area in order to destroy the structure or material.
The photo below shows the disintegration of an antenna from one of the WTC buildings.
As shown below, the same directed energy beam was used to toast cars that were not close to the WTC buildings. Note how the beam apparently passed across the police car below leaving a recently waxed portion undamaged:
The standing EMF wave used to create a fake ‘Wild Fire’ is created using the HAARP antennas in Alaska to target a location by bouncing it off the ionosphere.
The additional EMF wave to create the destruction can come from different sources including Directed Energy Weapons and Smart Meters.
Smart Meter Fires
The perpetrators of these operations make a point of including as many modes of attack as possible and ‘Smart Meters’ are definitely one of these modes. One of the cynical reasons they’re called ‘Smart’ is because, just like ‘Smart Phones’ they are very effective targeting devices, so they can be used to target a specific house with a massive overload of electrical power to create an electrical fire throughout the wiring installed in the house, torching the whole structure, and burning intensely hot just like the fires that occur in electric vehicles.
There was definitely some of this that occurred in Maui and Santa Rosa and highly likely in Pacific Palisades and Alta Dena.
Smart meters are known to create devestating electrical fires, particularly when power is cycled off and on by the electric company.
Unlike Analog Electric Meters, Digital Smart Meters are not constructed with adaquate surge protection, and as a result, powerful surges in electricity have been known to pass thru the meter and cause fires throughout house wiring, sometimes blowing up the smart meters as well. Electric fires can be intensely hot as seen with electric car fires, and these fires are not extinguished quickly with water. In fact, if water is used on the lithium battery fires, it can create an explosive effect.
Chemtrails are another key factor in the creation of this catastrophic destruction. These emissions contain metals such as aluminum, barium and strontium with all three being good conductors of electricity. Barium is particularly reactive to water. When these metals in the chemtrails settle on the plants below, the effect of the HAARP emf on these metals, is to dry out the plants and increase their susceptibility to fire, enabling the creation of high intensity quickly spreading fires, as we’ve seen in the three locations discussed above.
For more info on chemtrails take a look at the post below:
Are You Tired Of Being Sprayed Like A Bug? Chemtrails Are Killing Us
and the Forests!
And let’s not forget a prime reason for all of this destruction:
I am going to attempt to elaborate my experiences of living in Ventura county California in the mid to late 1960's.
First off the wildfires were like clockwork by clockwork I mean natures clock. Every Fall the 'Santa Ana Winds' would blow. You might wake up in the morning to see your neighborhood street filled and covered with tumble weeds that blew from the winds.....and all you had to do is look up in the foothills to see the first wisp of smoke.
From this point on it was a matter of stopping the fires before they came up and over the foothills down into the populated areas along the coast.
Every Fall we would see the same routine repeated. The fire would crest the last ridge, all the fire roads that were cut into the ridge would be filled with fire trucks, fire fighters, hoses, planes would fly by releasing retardant, water, our neighborhood would line the west side of the street with lawn chairs watching all of this action from less than three miles away. When the fires were out and the fire season was over we would hike the foot hills to get ready for backback trips in the high sierras and unless you lived in those foot hills the fires were really not a problem.
When I lived in Southern California it was earth quakes, mudslide, landslides, flash floods....people knew when the fires were coming (Fall) and if not someone was starting fires or a cause of them.
I see these pictures of the recent fires in California and Maui and it simply does not jive at all with what I witnessed in the late 1960's Ventura County....Those were wild fires that started in the wilds!
If I did not know better the picture displayed above looks more like a "control burn' than a wildfire, thus these fires cannot be wildfires and "we" should not call them that.
Not for nothing but every big city has had a 'Great Fire'
Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Denver, Jacksonville, San Francisco (multiple times), Los Angeles, Boston (multiple times) Atlanta I could go on and on an on an on much longer, but you get the drift...
Large swaths of inhabited land burning in my opinion does not occur due to whims of a wildfire, the fires are to some degree started, aided, helped along, directed, calculated...etc...
Some destruction occurs due to people building homes in areas where fires or other disasters are more likely to occur but that is not proof or evidence of anything that has to do with the fires mentioned in this substack.
Pretty alarming, the more I look into Judy Wood’s research re 911, I’m more convinced the dancing Jews was misdirection.
There is no way fire can burn all the houses, but leave the strips of vegetation unharmed.
Has there been any blue elements captured on film yet, similar to Maui?