Time to kill 'Government'

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I don't like anyone being in control of another's death, but I visited my mother-in-law in the nursing home and the place stunk so bad I had to pull my shirt up over my nose. Old people were sitting in wheelchairs obviously in their own waste, tongues lolling out, their minds long gone. I believe in being able to have access to medication - without doctors being in control of it - drugs should be legal. Then when someone knows they're failing, the can end life on their own terms.

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What a sadistic practice. Canada is gone, imo.

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It has been for years and now the effects are visible, to a few here and not the majority. May God destroy this place.

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No doubt!

All planned!

There is no pandemic and never was!


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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Co tagine or not, millions of people per country try- injected and non I ejected have mild, medium otmr severe 'Covid' injuries including myself. Yes 'Psy Op' was a large part of getting people to accept the 'vaccines' (they ate not vacc ines') ut a real and often severe illness also was unleashed but the huge numbers I cured are being ignored by gov and by 'Covid Sceptics'.

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'Contagion or not' ie typo

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It's far cheaper to eliminate the old than to take care of them.

The USA is no different,

They get rid of the old by making rent too expensive for folks on Social Security.

Once these folks become homeless,

They often die un noticed.

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Same here in UK murder if people especially elderly in 'care homes' for elderly, in hospitals and of course the injections. Currently 'Assisted Suicide' bill being 'discussed' by Parliament - of course it will be approved to kill more millions..Depression can cause people to think of death, suicide, as can the many deoression meducations ie anti deoressants which many American murderers in achooks were taking. Merely poverty in Canada will be enough reason to allow someone to commit suicide we know with state approval Shocking but com.ing to every WEF ie psychopathic billionaire, paedophile owned country UK gov for 15 years at least are WEF & one WEF leader is 'king' Charles'...

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