So therefore the Russia/China collaboration to build bases on the far side of the moon is all BS?

as talked about in this interview


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Yeah, It’s all crap to keep money laundering billions into the pockets of the parasites running this shitshow.

NASA is the hub of all of these fake space agencies. They’re just using the same method they’ve been using since the fake atomic weapons were cooked up to manipulate the public through fear and steal billions from the taxpayers and future generations of wage slaves.

The fake moon missions along with science fiction stories such as Star Trek were used as the basis for getting the public to go along this ongoing heist. And so far it’s worked like a charm, so more and more countries are getting in on the grift.

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Here's one for ya to ponder 🤔

Why do we not see the blue flame exhaust of regular jet engines of aeroplanes at night, we can see the "landing lights" but not the engine thrust, which should be the brightest thing on the aircraft!

Another con of the chemtrailing cowboys, me thinks, perhaps they're already running anti gravity tech hidden on the aircraft somewhere.

No fossils or fuel required.....


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