I get that you don't like usury. It would have helped to define it with some precision.

I don't disagree with your general premise but I have no idea how you get society there. I do have some idea how an individual can get there or a family and even a small community.

Galt's Gulch even had a banker.

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Two underlying dynamics of Capitalism's Emotional Economy are: Enough is never enough, and, always taking more than you give. Capitalism is the imposition of an uneven emotional exchange on all economic activity. What occurs to the very young that causes them to spend a life driven by a need for more than they need, enough never bringing satisfaction ?

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Absolutely without question the best article - without it being 10 pages long - on what has happened to our world and what to do about it. Bravo! Thank you for this excellent succinct & informative piece. I will share (by email, no social media) with as many as possible.

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