Great post, vital historical knowledge! The hand that has played the white race to kill its self and then women and children raped and tortured once the tricked warriors were killed unable to defend their families.
Doing what they do best, killing the goy. 100 years later, Russian and Ukrainian Christians are dying to make the world safe and prosperous for kikes. By the way, there are far more of them in the world and 15 million like Google claims. The Jewish population has been 15 million for at least the past 100 years. That’s impossible.
Great writing thank you. My personal belief based on extensive research over 39 years is that the banking dynasty and allied .00001% super, duper, rich criminal Jewish families at the top are not now, nor have they ever been, joking around about their even MORE fascist totalitarian JEW WORLD ORDER global gubbernmint scheme. They needed more parity between their superpowers jUSA Russia and China, and they have easily achieved this lately by lowering the US in the eyes of the world with the likes of rump the donald and sleepy gropin Joe Hunter Biden & etc. their new world order couldn't really fly with us over here still chanting usa,usa,usa we're number one!!! So a lot of the seemingly good things Trump has been doing should be considered in this light. Trump of course comes from the gargantuan Jewish heroin money laundry (Resorts International (Jew) "casinos") of the Jews such as Tibor Rosenbaum, Meyer Lansky, and one of those Rothschild fellas. Those 3 rump overlords actually killed JFK over dimona nukes. And of course trump did have a good foot in the door through his dad who was very close with the top Jewish criminals and terrorists a long time ago ... When bibi used to visit new york he would stay in Jared's bed, and Jared would sleep in the basement, Charles kushner the Jewish criminal, Roy Cohn etc etc etc.
Anyway I feel strongly that every conversation about the jukraine war should include igor kolomoisky who was zelenskys puppetmaster. Igor was the Jew who used Nazis to coup the Ukraine government in 2014, forcing Russia to step in. This is reminiscent of the banker Jews and top Zionists using Nazis in WW2... Igor and zelensky go way back in the money laundering business together through "the presidents" penis piano playing comedy club and igors' TV station... igor also had Hunter Biden on his payroll @50k/month AND NEVER FORGET how they told us very authoritatively that was fake fake news at the time, AND Igor also gave Hunter $10 million to split with his dad. Oi veh. igor was so flagrantly corrupt and jewy that they had to take him down out of their limelight, and they even gave him a slap on the wrist. Poor baby. Such a nice Jewish boy, using Nazis... I'm going to add some links in case anybody wants to read some short articles about some of these things
The arch capitalists of wall street did indeed establish totalitarianism in Russia and in China for control of these vast regions, and they called it communism to create a Strategy of Tension between East and West to feed their Perpetual Jew War Machine aka Permanent Jew War Economy. This article is from like 20 years ago but it's still good! It's about how Jews created communism in China...
Yes two wings of the same Roman Eagle Bird that was stolen from the Hittites. Part of the Pyrgian Mithra’s religions & Mystery Babylon. Ordo ab Chao. Masonic Zionism built the world Brick by Bric(k).
That explains his strange behaviour towards israhell, by not confronting it in syria. Also not defending syria from hundreds of missile strikes bombs since 2011 until rusia pull out from syria, letting israhell bomb syria to zero. But I beg to differ about Iran. There are two faction in Iran. The current gov is more lenient to west but Khameini is a fighter.
Just as in Ukraine, the white race in Britain is targeted for elimination, as it is in the U.S. Corporation (colony), Australia, New Zealand. Canada and Europe. The Crown and Royals will remain.
I’ve tried to find any evidence of Putins Jewish lineage. He seems to be a faithful adherent to the Russian orthodox tradition. He appears to be conciliatory towards the Russian Jews as a matter of principle. Other than that, I appreciate your article.
Great post, vital historical knowledge! The hand that has played the white race to kill its self and then women and children raped and tortured once the tricked warriors were killed unable to defend their families.
Very well put together. Connects the pieces. Thank you.
Doing what they do best, killing the goy. 100 years later, Russian and Ukrainian Christians are dying to make the world safe and prosperous for kikes. By the way, there are far more of them in the world and 15 million like Google claims. The Jewish population has been 15 million for at least the past 100 years. That’s impossible.
Sorry but genetic research disproves the Khazarian hypothesis.
You first
Stupid lie of a comment
Share it then.
igor k the Jew who used Nazis to start the war. Professional money launderer. Zelenskys big daddy MUST READ regarding JP THE JEWISH PROBLEM
Haaretz article from 2014 about igor k the "Oligarch" russian Jewish billionaire who used Nazis to start the war. It's like a pride piece. Fucking Jews
Great writing thank you. My personal belief based on extensive research over 39 years is that the banking dynasty and allied .00001% super, duper, rich criminal Jewish families at the top are not now, nor have they ever been, joking around about their even MORE fascist totalitarian JEW WORLD ORDER global gubbernmint scheme. They needed more parity between their superpowers jUSA Russia and China, and they have easily achieved this lately by lowering the US in the eyes of the world with the likes of rump the donald and sleepy gropin Joe Hunter Biden & etc. their new world order couldn't really fly with us over here still chanting usa,usa,usa we're number one!!! So a lot of the seemingly good things Trump has been doing should be considered in this light. Trump of course comes from the gargantuan Jewish heroin money laundry (Resorts International (Jew) "casinos") of the Jews such as Tibor Rosenbaum, Meyer Lansky, and one of those Rothschild fellas. Those 3 rump overlords actually killed JFK over dimona nukes. And of course trump did have a good foot in the door through his dad who was very close with the top Jewish criminals and terrorists a long time ago ... When bibi used to visit new york he would stay in Jared's bed, and Jared would sleep in the basement, Charles kushner the Jewish criminal, Roy Cohn etc etc etc.
Anyway I feel strongly that every conversation about the jukraine war should include igor kolomoisky who was zelenskys puppetmaster. Igor was the Jew who used Nazis to coup the Ukraine government in 2014, forcing Russia to step in. This is reminiscent of the banker Jews and top Zionists using Nazis in WW2... Igor and zelensky go way back in the money laundering business together through "the presidents" penis piano playing comedy club and igors' TV station... igor also had Hunter Biden on his payroll @50k/month AND NEVER FORGET how they told us very authoritatively that was fake fake news at the time, AND Igor also gave Hunter $10 million to split with his dad. Oi veh. igor was so flagrantly corrupt and jewy that they had to take him down out of their limelight, and they even gave him a slap on the wrist. Poor baby. Such a nice Jewish boy, using Nazis... I'm going to add some links in case anybody wants to read some short articles about some of these things
The arch capitalists of wall street did indeed establish totalitarianism in Russia and in China for control of these vast regions, and they called it communism to create a Strategy of Tension between East and West to feed their Perpetual Jew War Machine aka Permanent Jew War Economy. This article is from like 20 years ago but it's still good! It's about how Jews created communism in China...
Yes two wings of the same Roman Eagle Bird that was stolen from the Hittites. Part of the Pyrgian Mithra’s religions & Mystery Babylon. Ordo ab Chao. Masonic Zionism built the world Brick by Bric(k).
I can,t find any proof of Putins jewish heritige.
Any links to evidence?
The Bolsheviks haven't been able to censor yet. I'm sure they are trying.
Take a look at Yandex?
What is Yandex?
Search engine in Russia. Soon to be censored, since their in on the game.
That explains his strange behaviour towards israhell, by not confronting it in syria. Also not defending syria from hundreds of missile strikes bombs since 2011 until rusia pull out from syria, letting israhell bomb syria to zero. But I beg to differ about Iran. There are two faction in Iran. The current gov is more lenient to west but Khameini is a fighter.
Very interesting......
Now where does that leave Great Britain?
Just as in Ukraine, the white race in Britain is targeted for elimination, as it is in the U.S. Corporation (colony), Australia, New Zealand. Canada and Europe. The Crown and Royals will remain.
You are more intelligent than any Scofield brainwashed Christian. I'm thankful for you.
Awesome piece, thank you!
I’ve tried to find any evidence of Putins Jewish lineage. He seems to be a faithful adherent to the Russian orthodox tradition. He appears to be conciliatory towards the Russian Jews as a matter of principle. Other than that, I appreciate your article.
Excellent article, it connected the dots beautifully.