I would agree with this 90%, which is good enough for allies. My main take would be that Palestine does have actual people that are fighting earnestly to stop their own genocide. Also, Hezbollah and Iran are genuine threats to Israel. Israel will lose this war even if globohomo US military is involved. The US military has not won a real war since WW2 AND Russia/USSR did 70% of the heavy lifting as an ally. USA will not sail across oceans and defeat combined formes of Russia, China, and Iran in their homelands. Israel is gone with or without 3 million dead American soldiers and 200 million dead Americans at home. This is not a safari, war will rain down in every American city.

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This is such a good article. So much information is compiled here. There is so much more to learn about history hidden beneath the present. Thank you very much!

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Hamas was created by Israel and is owned by them Netananyahu even openly says that to help Hamas I'd to help Israel. Rothschilds created Israel they say with help from (who it seems sired a few UK royals such as 'Victoria' so royals and Rothschilds are one and loot, commit genocide worldwide for over 2 centuries) long known to be satanists so Paedophilia, child sacrifice etc by these criminals.. Saudi Arabia (& UK & USA) destroying Yemen for Yemeni oil which there is a lot of. MSM (complicit). A few Middle East countries have been bombed to rubble and robbed of trillions ie banks, gold, oil, land & more by globalists ie Zionists Millions killed, babies, children with no parents no food etc but WEF and other Globalist countries support Israel. Tge goal is 'Greater Israel' ie not just Palestine but most of the Middle East, the world.

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Very informative eg why Ukraine suddenly became so important.

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Thanks for calling out these evil parasites: the Branch Talmudians, the Nazionists, the Khazarian Mafia. It's not the regular Jewish people per se; they're being used as a shield behind which the evil parasites hide, steal their identity, manipulate them, etc. If only more Jewish people realized this, maybe the game would end a lot sooner (some are waking up to them though).

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Thank you! Thank you!

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