Everything is a gigantic hoax in this world of lies - in all countries/ nations (more or less). The USA is one of the biggest hoaxes because it is very large and militarily powerful.
No taxation without representation? Why did the taxes get raised so egregiously high as to inspire colonists to revolt??? BECAUSE THE JEWISH BANKERS had sold King George that last war with France, and he had to pay them back. Pretty simple really, but notice how they don't ever ask that question- why did the taxes get so high? JEWS EVERY SINGLE TIME. They're taxing the whole planet to the point where everything good, even all life on earth, is getting JEWED DOWN to the point of extinction.
I like your article but I don't agree with all of it. Lots of interesting info in there. Good writing! But all the wars are bankers wars and that definitely includes the American Revolution. I hope this country still exists next year so I can celebrate the Semiquincentennial. 250 years. I remember the Bicentennial and it was a huge deal. People who weren't around have no idea how pervasive the Bicentennial atmosphere was in 1976. Since both my parents descend from the Mayflower, I had a lot of direct ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War, like over a dozen, including one sea captain who died on an English prison ship in 1781. The title and tone of your article is a bit dismissive of the entire brutal affair.
The US Civil War was another JEW JOB like 911 &10/7. They tell us in their jewsmedia and their education systems that it was about Slavery and or States Rights, but that's like saying that Afghanistan was about a passport in the rubble and some Muslims in a cave, rather than the profits of the JEWISH HEROIN INDUSTRY, or like saying that WW1 was about an anarchist assassinating an austrohungarian archduke- a more flagrant Jewish conspiracy I've never seen , well, since the jukraine jwar starring igor kolomoisky as the Nice Jewish Boy Who Used Nazis In 2014... Bad juju WW2 deja vu voodoo joodoo. But yeah WW1 really got the money rolling in for the top Jews and their Perpetual Jew War Machine aka Permanent Jew War Economy... The US Shrivel War 1860-64 was about the UNITED States emerging from the homestead frontier era into the Industrial mass production era, and the JEWISH BANKERS who owned and ran Europe at that time were rightfully worried that we were about to put all their relatively DINKY little European economies out of business, so they fomented and financed both sides as is their wont, and created from scratch a Huge Goy Bloodbath that we still suffer from. They're still working that divide and conquer so well. Rump the Donald is their greatest stooge ever. Anyway, here's a link to Judah Benjamin. Even though nobodys ever heard of him, he was by far the most prominent Jew in America back then, and he financed the fledgling KKK as an agent for Rothschild & Co. History didn't forget him, Jews just own it now and get to tell or not tell it.
The Bombing Killing and Mutilating of Women and Children. Is the US Version of Democratisation of a Country so that the US Multinationals can Rape and Pillage the Countries Resources . They have had plenty of Practice.
'The American Revolutiim Was a Hoax' is enlightening - the UK ie z British establishment which is tge UK royals irmt seems, still owns America apparently.. UK royals owned, interbred it appears with the Rothschilds and tgey created Israel as you know. US, UK, Israel are one it seems and that Zioinist entity loots the planet non-stop. The 'wars' 'terrorists' the MSM advertises 24/7 to keep us all scared and hating each other seem to be fall-out, from these many colonial/Ziionist crimes. UK, US, Israel are one & the Middle East is currently being looted, genocided and has been for decades making trilliions of dollars a year for these lawless criminals. To be anti Zionist is of course not to be anti Jewish. Jewish people also protest about psychopathic, atheistic Zionism whose mission seems to be total destruction of the human race and the planet even..World War 3 has been planned by them (starting in Ukraine..blaming Russia etc )for a century or more it seems eg the words of Albert Pike the senior Freemason who also wrote that all 3 world wars were planned.. Horrifying evil. I am no fan of Trimp buy the only good thing about him is that he knows that WW3 is planned & that Russia as aggressor to Ukraine is a lie to provoke that war..He made fun of Zekensky for that reason.
Yes, but u missed that Washington may have been King George (playing 2 roles?) :P Also I suspect Adam Weishaupt played a role - as the Bavarian king had outlawed their masonic "illuminatii" they moved to the US too i guess :P remember the US symbol is the weishaupt adler! :P white or bald head eagle in english in older German haupt means kopf (=head). ofc the name can also mean "a wise man" play on words
This is one of the best articles I've read on SS. History is a lie agreed upon. Unfortunately, no one consulted we plebs to get our consent. And thus, here we are.
Canada is in a similar position. I'm writing an article on all the checks and balances that are used to keep the elites elite and Canadians in the dark. Two of these are: when sworn in as Prime Minister, he who is PM swears allegiance only to the Monarchy in England and not the people, legally binding the PM to England. The other is that Articles of Federation do not exist. Those are necessary to establish a countries sovereign independence. Canada is listed a s a corporation in Washington. And there is so much more. It's a labrynth of twisted legalese every step of the way. I intend to list as many of these blocks to any real freedom.
I find the entire concept fascinating and read this with eneraped attention. As a Brit, I have always questioned many of the facts around the uprising of the colonies. A lot of it felt too much like Foundation myths for something else. Your essay laid bare a lot of my suspicions. I will be following your feed, looking forward to further similar theses.
yes it was m it was orchestrated by Rothschilds control over the banks and the Brits were their club back then especially when W Churchil was in India ! causing millions to die of starvation with the destruction of crops and supply chains , in the Brits quest under queen Victoria to take contron of India , and creating the sikh movement promising them free access to any country under british rule or dominions !
Everything is a gigantic hoax in this world of lies - in all countries/ nations (more or less). The USA is one of the biggest hoaxes because it is very large and militarily powerful.
The Founding of the satanic USA on the jewish-satanic-masonic foundation and its unchanged satanic existence to this day - but NOT for much longer!https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/the-founding-of-the-usa-on-the-jewish
No taxation without representation? Why did the taxes get raised so egregiously high as to inspire colonists to revolt??? BECAUSE THE JEWISH BANKERS had sold King George that last war with France, and he had to pay them back. Pretty simple really, but notice how they don't ever ask that question- why did the taxes get so high? JEWS EVERY SINGLE TIME. They're taxing the whole planet to the point where everything good, even all life on earth, is getting JEWED DOWN to the point of extinction.
I like your article but I don't agree with all of it. Lots of interesting info in there. Good writing! But all the wars are bankers wars and that definitely includes the American Revolution. I hope this country still exists next year so I can celebrate the Semiquincentennial. 250 years. I remember the Bicentennial and it was a huge deal. People who weren't around have no idea how pervasive the Bicentennial atmosphere was in 1976. Since both my parents descend from the Mayflower, I had a lot of direct ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War, like over a dozen, including one sea captain who died on an English prison ship in 1781. The title and tone of your article is a bit dismissive of the entire brutal affair.
The US Civil War was another JEW JOB like 911 &10/7. They tell us in their jewsmedia and their education systems that it was about Slavery and or States Rights, but that's like saying that Afghanistan was about a passport in the rubble and some Muslims in a cave, rather than the profits of the JEWISH HEROIN INDUSTRY, or like saying that WW1 was about an anarchist assassinating an austrohungarian archduke- a more flagrant Jewish conspiracy I've never seen , well, since the jukraine jwar starring igor kolomoisky as the Nice Jewish Boy Who Used Nazis In 2014... Bad juju WW2 deja vu voodoo joodoo. But yeah WW1 really got the money rolling in for the top Jews and their Perpetual Jew War Machine aka Permanent Jew War Economy... The US Shrivel War 1860-64 was about the UNITED States emerging from the homestead frontier era into the Industrial mass production era, and the JEWISH BANKERS who owned and ran Europe at that time were rightfully worried that we were about to put all their relatively DINKY little European economies out of business, so they fomented and financed both sides as is their wont, and created from scratch a Huge Goy Bloodbath that we still suffer from. They're still working that divide and conquer so well. Rump the Donald is their greatest stooge ever. Anyway, here's a link to Judah Benjamin. Even though nobodys ever heard of him, he was by far the most prominent Jew in America back then, and he financed the fledgling KKK as an agent for Rothschild & Co. History didn't forget him, Jews just own it now and get to tell or not tell it.
The Bombing Killing and Mutilating of Women and Children. Is the US Version of Democratisation of a Country so that the US Multinationals can Rape and Pillage the Countries Resources . They have had plenty of Practice.
'The American Revolutiim Was a Hoax' is enlightening - the UK ie z British establishment which is tge UK royals irmt seems, still owns America apparently.. UK royals owned, interbred it appears with the Rothschilds and tgey created Israel as you know. US, UK, Israel are one it seems and that Zioinist entity loots the planet non-stop. The 'wars' 'terrorists' the MSM advertises 24/7 to keep us all scared and hating each other seem to be fall-out, from these many colonial/Ziionist crimes. UK, US, Israel are one & the Middle East is currently being looted, genocided and has been for decades making trilliions of dollars a year for these lawless criminals. To be anti Zionist is of course not to be anti Jewish. Jewish people also protest about psychopathic, atheistic Zionism whose mission seems to be total destruction of the human race and the planet even..World War 3 has been planned by them (starting in Ukraine..blaming Russia etc )for a century or more it seems eg the words of Albert Pike the senior Freemason who also wrote that all 3 world wars were planned.. Horrifying evil. I am no fan of Trimp buy the only good thing about him is that he knows that WW3 is planned & that Russia as aggressor to Ukraine is a lie to provoke that war..He made fun of Zekensky for that reason.
Get rid of the Rothschild owned royals -the families are interbred, Satanic, Zionist psychopaths
Rothschild documentary movie https://youtu.be/Zr4RbrL3e0A?si=APdocIXzDPuFpByg
Good fife and drum music though
Ahhhh, Bread and Circuses.
Oh FFS. Not that too 😂
Jede politische Agenda ist ein Hoak Every so-called political agenda is a hoak
Ja, het is gewoon onderdeel van de Brood en Spelen-operatie
Led by Jews, FOR Jews!
Yes, but u missed that Washington may have been King George (playing 2 roles?) :P Also I suspect Adam Weishaupt played a role - as the Bavarian king had outlawed their masonic "illuminatii" they moved to the US too i guess :P remember the US symbol is the weishaupt adler! :P white or bald head eagle in english in older German haupt means kopf (=head). ofc the name can also mean "a wise man" play on words
How did you arrive at that stupidity?
This is one of the best articles I've read on SS. History is a lie agreed upon. Unfortunately, no one consulted we plebs to get our consent. And thus, here we are.
Canada is in a similar position. I'm writing an article on all the checks and balances that are used to keep the elites elite and Canadians in the dark. Two of these are: when sworn in as Prime Minister, he who is PM swears allegiance only to the Monarchy in England and not the people, legally binding the PM to England. The other is that Articles of Federation do not exist. Those are necessary to establish a countries sovereign independence. Canada is listed a s a corporation in Washington. And there is so much more. It's a labrynth of twisted legalese every step of the way. I intend to list as many of these blocks to any real freedom.
I find the entire concept fascinating and read this with eneraped attention. As a Brit, I have always questioned many of the facts around the uprising of the colonies. A lot of it felt too much like Foundation myths for something else. Your essay laid bare a lot of my suspicions. I will be following your feed, looking forward to further similar theses.
yes it was m it was orchestrated by Rothschilds control over the banks and the Brits were their club back then especially when W Churchil was in India ! causing millions to die of starvation with the destruction of crops and supply chains , in the Brits quest under queen Victoria to take contron of India , and creating the sikh movement promising them free access to any country under british rule or dominions !
B-B-B-B-B-B-Bingo was still there…