Canada is in a similar position. I'm writing an article on all the checks and balances that are used to keep the elites elite and Canadians in the dark. Two of these are: when sworn in as Prime Minister, he who is PM swears allegiance only to the Monarchy in England and not the people, legally binding the PM to England. The other is that Articles of Federation do not exist. Those are necessary to establish a countries sovereign independence. Canada is listed a s a corporation in Washington. And there is so much more. It's a labrynth of twisted legalese every step of the way. I intend to list as many of these blocks to any real freedom.

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I find the entire concept fascinating and read this with eneraped attention. As a Brit, I have always questioned many of the facts around the uprising of the colonies. A lot of it felt too much like Foundation myths for something else. Your essay laid bare a lot of my suspicions. I will be following your feed, looking forward to further similar theses.

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yes it was m it was orchestrated by Rothschilds control over the banks and the Brits were their club back then especially when W Churchil was in India ! causing millions to die of starvation with the destruction of crops and supply chains , in the Brits quest under queen Victoria to take contron of India , and creating the sikh movement promising them free access to any country under british rule or dominions !

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B-B-B-B-B-B-Bingo was still there…

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Our birth certificates, all caps, we are a commodity under maritime law. Or something like that. It's all pretty infuriating, to say the least.

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The best lies cost the most money.

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I was a history major in college. I have spent the last 30 yrs slowly learning the real history I thought I had learned in school. I used to look at my diploma with pride. I realize now it's just the most expensive piece of paper I ever bought. My compliments 0n your outstanding research.

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Almost every major historical event, that we’ve been indoctrinated with and I’ve looked into, has been riddled with lies. This goes for much of the ‘established’ scientific ‘facts’…err…beliefs as well. The Covid hoax opened the eyes of many people to the massive con being run by the medical ‘scientists’. The ability to research history is rapidly being prevented by the fake AI systems being used to scrub the internet of anything contrary to the official history. ‘1984’ gave us a glimpse of this at a much slower pace. Since almost everyone relies on their very own portable sheep dog ‘communicator’ to keep informed, it will only be a short time until real history is scrubbed from the human mind.

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It has dawned on me recently that all wars/staged events have one underlying main objective, they are a cover/distraction for much more profitable Mafia Operations, as the World's Mafia's are owned and controlled by the same Global Bloodlines that own and control Everything else.

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All wars are satanic sacrifices. Government is a huge sex trafficking death cult and they're all in on it. 💯💯💯

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You are 100% correct. The US and England are joined at the hip. Always have been, always will be. Even the Boston tea party was a hoax.

As for the 13 families does the name Jesus ring a bell? Jesus and the 12 apostles. The 13 satanic bloodlines that rule the world. The 13 branch out into many but that's where it starts. Jesus is the longest running psyop ever.

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Suffer the little children to come unto me so we can harvest their adrenachrome for thus is the secret to our eternal vampire life. That's what Jesus said.

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Jesus said love your enemy as you love yourself. Our enemy is Satan. You can't "love and light" Satan back into hell like the new age movement wants you to think. God said in the end times men will be lovers of themselves. Jesus said he is the light of the world. God says Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Jesus said all authority in heaven and earth was given to him. God says Satan is the god of this world. If Jesus was given all the powers of an infinite almighty God there wouldn't be any sex trafficking or chemtrails. Jesus never died on the cross. He lived to be 85 years old and his bones are interred beneath the Vatican today. Jesus also studied at all the great "mystery schools" in Africa, Egypt, India and Glastonbury. What are the three wisemen? They're magi. Sorcerers from the east. Freemasons.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the glory of kings to search out a matter." Jesus is literally the son of Lucifer and the whore Mary. "By your sorcery were all the nations of the earth deceived." Jews started freemasonry. They control Hollywood and everything else. They work with the prince of the powers of the air waves to broadcast their spell. If the jews said it happened then it didn't happen. If they said it DID HAPPEN then it absolutely DID NOT happen. All they do is lie. Everything is backwards in Satan's kingdom. You have to rightly divide the word of truth. Which is the Bible. King James was a gay pedophile. You honestly believe that perverted shithead wanted the true word of God translated for the public? 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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This is one of my most listened to podcasts. People are hungry for truth, common sense and an explanation about the why of things that makes sense in through the lens of real history that is hidden from us:


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An excellent article.

You can imagine how oppressed the working class been in UK under this regime for centuries........taxes and regulations on everything some reaching over 1000%>>>>

All Americans, UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia peoples have been financially robbed blind....

No war.

We get our inheritance back,

Not fighting for the banking swindle cover up....

Not this time, and no more "medications or spying".

Just decent minimal representatives.


Living where they represent!

The people first.

P.s. I wonder how many votes Jesus got with such a discrepancy on missing "votes"....

A lot , I reckon.

Cheers ,

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It all goes back to the Jesuit which goes back to ...

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Which goes back to Jesus, the false messiah. The son of Lucifer and the whore, Mary.

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Indeed, and Zionism is just the Roman project to restore the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. They’re using the Jews as a placeholder for the time being. The Temple Mount was given to the Vatican in a secret clause of the Oslo accord.

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Freedom of religion? Nah. Priests had 2strike rule. 2nd time offering Mass, they were executed in some States.

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How can anyone be sure that what you have written here is a true account of history? Just curious.

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It is called putting as much information in your mind pro, con, neutral, indifferent then utilizing your common sense, logic, powers of deduction, you yourself conclude what is most likely closer to truth than not.

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Read F. Tupper Saussy’s “Rulers of Evil” and Eric Jon Phelps’ “Vatican assassins: wounded in the house of my friends”. If you want a video about the revolution specifically I know there’s one on rumble titled something like “American never won its independence” or something to that effect but it’s not anywhere near as comprehensive.

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They can do their own research and verify.

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Can you point to any good documentaries to start with?

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Do a search on Yandex for “the American revolution was a hoax” and you’ll find things to check out. Don’t bother to search on google, duckduckgo, bing or any other search sites since they all censor heavily now, so all you’ll get is MSM level pablum. Yandex will be censored soon too. All information that the parasites deem to be disinformation is being removed from the internet. Now is the time to find out what you’re interested in. Only the official party line will be allowed.

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The founders were largely well to do wealthy BRITISH americans, living in BRITISH america and yet they were going to stand up to the king and go against the entire British empire? Really?!

My conclusion about the founders is they just ran an end round/psy op on the flesh and blood men and women of the new world, helping to implement the British system of law, finances and taxes that americans currently suffer under. Even the gang colors (flags) did not even need to change (red white and blue with stars and bars) all they did was remove British from British America. It is not like the land granted by the king was revoked or that Hudson Bay Company and the like was abolished and liquidated...this stuff continued unabated.

Also the Boston tea party, Lexington and Concord, Benedict Arnold, Valley Forge, Yorktown and other events probably did not happen or occur the way everyone was taught to know and that these events are probably similar to the things the CIA does with their 'jackals' who go into a country destabilize it by fomenting incidences of violence and destruction while sowing societal discontent so as to create, build and guide the narratives that will be used to sway the people.

The one question that I have had as a boy still persist.

I have tried to ask why and can come to no conclusions as to.......

Why is it that the British Fleet that sailed up the Chesapeake Bay supposedly unloading thousands of troops, horses and supplies at Elk Neck and marching up what is now the I-95 corridor north towards Philadelphia when they could have simply just turned their cannons at Mount Vernon as the fleet sailed north to Elk Neck and leveled George Washington's home, plantation and source of income....and not for nothing but the British could have debarked in Virginia torched and leveled Montpelier (Madison) Monticello (Jefferson) and others and never would have had to sail to Elk Neck to debark because the so called revolution would have been over just like cutting the head off of a snake......

Wars is a Rackets and this would include the so called revolutionary war....you might say it was the biggest of all the war rackets looking at what it begat.

There is not much more to know.....I lived in Philadelphia suburbs for three and a half decades and visited many revolutionary sites and after a lot of my own personal research and investigation I cannot buy such a fanciful motion picture script....I mean Revolutionary War History narrative.....Brandywine, Valley Forge, Paioli massacre none of which is scrutinized as you come to learn it in the compulsory government schools or while visiting the governmental sponsored battlefield, encampment, tavern...etc.... just accept it as the truth, but when examined closely using logic and common sense these so called historical events just does not hold weight or add up

I know this most if not all of these revolutionary sites in and around Philadelphia are 'recreations'

For instance the house where Jefferson supposedly wrote the Declaration. It is not the same house at all. Reading reviews online about the "Declaration House" there will be comments like "I had chills running down my spine knowing so much history happen in this room"....makes me chuckle at how oblivious the reviewer is.

Luckily I cam across a part of a review about the declaration house we could both enjoy.

"This house is a Disneyland style fake from 1975"

Which is much much closer to the truth than not.

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Thanks for this. I started digging into this around 15 years ago as a result of what I had discovered about the 9-11 operation, right after it happened. 9-11 woke up a lot of people to the extent to which the government concocts lies to extort and control the ‘citizens’. The Civil War ‘history’ is just as false. Every supposed part of U.S. ‘history’ that I’ve researched since 2001 has been full of false elements. The same goes for much of the established ‘science’.

This recent Covid operation should easily wake up anyone to the fact that scientists can be bought to help the ignorant ‘citizens’ “follow the science”.

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