Q: (seriously) Interesting article. Thanks. Have you looked into milk (and maybe butter, or is that different) associated with prostatic cancer? Is consuming milk different from consuming butter, as butter is made of milk? Thanks a lot

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A lot of people have their immune system triggered by eating dairy products, even when they are organic or raw. So this is pretty individual based on tolerance, like so many other 'foods'.

As you're probably already aware, casein is the culprit here, with the A1 vs A2 variants, which break down into beta casomorphin. The name of that molecule looks like “morphine,”

and it acts in a similar, though much less intense, way in the human body by activating opioid signaling pathways. A1 and A2 are broken down into different forms of beta- casomorphin. The A1 variant of casein becomes beta-casomoprhin 7, a molecule that has been linked to increased incidence of autoimmune disease and cardiovascular disease.

If you’re going to do dairy and don’t think it triggers your immune system, opt for A2 dairy rather than A1. All non-cow dairy including goat, sheep, and buffalo are considered A2 dairy. There are bovine species which are A2, like many Guernsey cows, but these will be noted on the labeling and are much more rare. If it’s from a cow, and doesn’t specify A2 on the label, assume it’s A1 dairy.

If part of your goal is to decrease the amount of simple sugars in your diet, then eating heavy cream rather than milk, is your best bet, with butter being much lower in casein, so this is a better choice if your goal is to limit casein, while Ghee would be your choice for the lowest amount of casein possible.

The bovine Growth Hormones given to dairy cows to increase milk production are a key potential trigger of prostate cancer, so avoid dairy products that aren't rbGH free, (sometimes called rbST).

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Thank you very much for this detailed and instructive answer.

Please allow an additional one, on oils this time: you did not mention rice oil, is that even a thing? Thank you very much

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Rice Oil is just another seed oil, so should be avoided. I didn't mention it because it's not commonly used in the West. Mustard seed oil would be another cooking oil that is toxic, but it's used primarily in the East by those in India. All seed oils are toxic.

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Nicely done, I just recently tried explaining this to someone and they kept trying to dismiss it with one thing after another.

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I only cook in Lard, Butter, extra virgin Olive oil and Avacado oil. Thanks for the tips but but the last 4 years I have changed completely. Structured reverse osmosis water (with added celtic salt minerals added and grass fed meat and Raw milk. Cheers

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Excellent! My hats off to you.

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My hat’s off to you too for your primary topic 😉

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I should have added…

Selenium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Selenium is important for reproduction, thyroid gland function, DNA production, and protecting the body from damage caused by free radicals and from infections.

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OK. Yes, this is good information, and selenium is also found in other foods. As for brazil nuts...each person has to decide to what extent they want to reduce the amount of seed/nut oils they want to consume, and I wouldn't be too concerned about eating a few brazil nuts, but would suggest focusing on the primary sources of seed oils in my diet and severely reduce those first, and see if my inflammation and health improve, keeping in mind that it takes almost 2 years to clear 50% the stored seed oils out of your body. Then go from there to limit more or maintain what I've been eating if I'm feeling fine. Cheers

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What is your opinion/referenced research on Selenium found in Brazil nuts, for example?

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"for example?"??????

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Selenium has very beneficial properties for health.

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By far this was the biggest change in my health. And I am absolute about it. If the ingredients have seed oils I don't eat it, don't buy it. I mostly use coconut or butter, sometimes olive for non-cooking, and avocado oil for cooking. Inflammation problems gone.

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Yes, me as well. If people just eliminated this they would notice a huge improvement in their health. Cheers!.

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