Memorial Day is a very significant day for Americans.
It’s a special time to remember all of those in the military who died in order to maintain The United States Corporation and its owner, the British Crown in The City Of London, as the dominant financial power on the Earth.
The following post gives an overview of the real history of the American Revolution:
The United States Corporation is the military force to insure that the Crown and Vatican are fully in control of the world economic system. That’s right…it has nothing to do with maintaining freedom.
For most Americans, the realization of this reality is impossible for obvious understandable reasons. No one wants to believe that their loved ones died so sociopathic oligarchs could control and extort most of the world’s wealth from the rest of the Earth’s inhabitants. Well maybe we shouldn’t rule out one group that may be fine with it and that’s the psychopaths in our midst, who unfortunately often end up in positions of power and authority. The U.S. Corporation headquarters in the District of Columbia is crawling with them.
The short (1min) video below is a sterling example of the psychopaths who control the levers of destruction in the District of Criminals:
And another short video (1min) below making it clear how these psychopaths view other human beings:
Did you ever wonder why you had to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school? The primary reason for Public Education is to indoctrinate children from a young age, in order to create patriotic, dumbed down, compliant wage slaves, with the inability to critically think, and follow orders from authority figures.
The following post gives an overview of the dumbing down of children through the Public Education System:
We’re supposed to remember those who have served in the military and died for their country, fighting to keep Americans free. Well….that’s what we’ve been taught anyway, in our Public Indoctrination Centers.
The reality is quite different, and General Smedley Butler makes it clear:
And his testament is just as relevant today. This is the actual reality of any member of the Military whether they like it or not. Any American who bothers to take a little time to study real history, will quickly see that this is the case. They’re all part of the racket, which includes blackmail, theft, torture, murder, and widespread destruction. Gee…could this be why so many people around the world hate America.
Most aware people already know that the Central Bankers and their ilk, are the head of this parasitic murderous spider, bankrolling all sides of all the wars.
But let’s not forget the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Without all of the people working to supply weapons, technical equipment and systems the military couldn’t perpetrate the blackmail, theft, torture, murder and destruction that it is so well known for around the Earth. These people are all well compensated for their complicity in these ongoing crimes.
Key players in the Military Industrial Complex are The Economic Hitmen whose job is to engage in a modern form of slavery by using the World Bank and other international organizations to offer huge loans to developing nations for construction projects and oil production. On the surface this appears to be generous, but the money is only awarded to a country if it agrees to hire US construction firms, which ensures a select few people get rich. Furthermore, the loans are intentionally too big for any developing nation to repay and this debt burden virtually guarantees the developing nation will support the political interests of the United States.
And, of course, these economic hitmen are backed up by the world wide military might of the U.S. Corporation.
So let’s make this clear. Memorial Day is an important holiday in the United States to remember the people who were the tip of the spear, committing widespread destruction, as well as theft, torture, and murder of people in other countries.
The following video exposes the esteemed General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the murderer he was:
Eisenhower's German Death Camps
Here’s a list of countries bombed since WW 2, up to 2011, by these ‘heroes’:
A more fitting remembrance of these people and the MIC employees that support their crimes, is remembering that they were and are actually criminals guilty of some of the most heinous crimes imaginable, not that they were heroes fighting and working to keep Americans free.
Is it any wonder that the Military Industrial Complex and all of its employees are delighted to send $Billions of weapons and supplies to Israel so they can mass murder men, women and children. Have there been any significant demonstrations or strikes by MIC employees against this slaughter? Hell No! Has the American public, other that some college students, risen up to protest this mass murder. Hell No!
This makes it clear that this country is past the point of no return.
Think about this on Memorial Day.
This is my 3rd attempt at putting in a note. Things just to drop/go away. I’m so tired of all that is occurring. I’ve been awake for 3 1/2 years. How can this be? When I first started learning, I thought, no way. It was then confirmed multiple times by multiple truthers. It is good vs. evil. I’ve taken in a few articles on this site and am sadly thinking again, of all of the lies we have been told for so many years. I’m separated from the one I love because I’m “crazy”. I’m one of those “Qanon” people. So tired, but working to maintain my faith.
I read "War Is A Racket" while I was in the Corps about a year before I was set to be discharged and this furthered my resolve to leave the military. I signed up wanting to become a knight in shining armor only to realize I was a storm trooper. Sometimes I try to explain the reality of things to friends or family who have "served" but it just goes over their heads.
The more advanced warfare technology becomes the less wars are won and the less freedoms there are at home. To me this is a huge indication that this, "Fighting for our freedoms" narrative is false.