We have stopped consuming sea salt and use manufactured salt .

Sea salt has iodine and minerals that our body needs .

If you drink water, put pinch of sea salt which hydrates you better.

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All well & good but what if you're allergic to iodine?

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Since iodine is critical for human life to continue, an allergic reaction is a myth. Iodine is an element and is essential for protein synthesis and thyroid hormone development.

Iodine cannot stimulate the immune system and cannot be an allergen. When patients react to iodine-containing products, it is not the iodine, but other parts of the substances that cause reactions. For example, skin irritation from povidone-iodine, is caused by a separate chemical in the solution, such as the povidone or a dye.

Also, misdiagnosed ‘allergic’ symptoms can be a result of heavy bromine detox caused by iodine displacing other halogens.

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Thanks so much for posting this article. I've had hypo pretty much all my life, thanks in part to mercury amalgams and one stint involving a quack doctor who's idea of getting rid of acne was irradiating the face (and not covering the neck!) Just have 2 or 3 more amalgams to remove. Anyhoo, I've been supplementing with Lugol's (2 drops so far) and lowered my Levo from 100mcg to 50mcg. Am thinking about using Castor Oil either directly on the little goiter I have or using it the classic way with a pad on the liver. Need to use more selenium and magnesium to round things out. Overall, feel pretty good. Also have Hashi's as well and am managing that as best I can. Also do meditation as much as possible (per Dr. Joe Dispenza) and that seems to help, too.

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Thank you TT for the most detailed and complete discourse on Iodine short of a Dr. David Brownstein book.

I knew a good deal of what you covered, but learned much also concerning this health protective vital mineral from this essay of yours.


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I’ve been taking 75-100 mg iodine daily since last fall. I battle Hashimotos and RA, among other things. Three months ago, I was able to gradually step down my Armour Thyroid dosages from 90 mg, then 60, then 45, then 22, with no ill effects yet. I’m completely off it now, and have been for two weeks, but I will test in the next one and two months to see what my TSA levels are at.

I also take 400 mg selenium daily with it; 200 mg each morning and evening.

One thing I have also tried, is I combined lugol’s iodine tincture with DMSO, 50/50, and I spread that over my throat—my thyroid and lymph nodes—every morning after my shower, for direct absorption. In the evening, I spread Biofreeze with birch oil stirred into it (birch oil is an anti-inflammatory that both cools, and stinks, like wintergreen—how I hate the smell of wintergreen!) over my thyroid, to address the inflammation. I also run this biofreeze blend onto my hands to relieve the RA pain so I can sleep.

If you are unfamiliar with DMSO, it is a potent anti-inflammatory that needs to be diluted, and it must go on very clean skin. It will pull toxins right in to your bloodstream otherwise.

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Sep 13Liked by Terra Times

Also, thank you for this because you’ve demonstrating your own experience when we actually address our nutritional needs, we can get off of our medication’s.

I’m in the process of doing the same as well… I had a very stressful period. Period. Where I had high blood pressure and I was put on an ace inhibitor. And then I started reading what they do, and apparently, their potassium sparing! So their whole role is to increase your potassium levels… And I looked at my diet and realized I didn’t have enough.

So I increase my potassium to 3000 mg per day, although the recommendation is 4700 and for me that’s a lot of food… And I was able to cut my ace inhibitor in half! Now on the lowest dose.

And now I start feeling more tired and worn down, because I am pretty knee-deep in menopause… Which means I’ve increased my protein intake which means I need to increase water… And then realize I was tired because I didn’t have enough sodium on board. Because my diet is pretty clean, I don’t eat processed foods, I live mostly off of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, meats, butter, yogurt, SKYR… And there’s not a lot of sodium in that.

So then I added sodium and I’m feeling better! And then I realize I forgot to take vitamin C as I take collagen, I was starting to have more muscle cramps, so I got back on the vitamin C in my gosh I feel so much better.

So the muscle cramps, muscle pains are gone. Blood pressure is in really good control. Still feeling tired… And it was an absolute blessing to see this article because I realized that I’m not taking an iodine. Because menopause affects the thyroid

So thank you all not only for these articles but also for your comments because I’m learning so much

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I’m sorry to hear what a rough road you have been on—can certainly relate! —but I am ELATED to read how far you have come, rebuilding your body and your life, as you learn about, and respond to, your design with honor. My prayers are that you would take back everything that is *rightfully yours*—you did the hard work to learn it and work it out— for your own body.

My best to you ❤️

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Sep 13Liked by Terra Times

Thank you for this! My energy levels have had a complete dip as I’m transitioning deeper into menopause… I haven’t taken selenium and God knows how long, and I’ve only been taking that ridiculous 150 µg of iodine. So I’m gonna order some of those drops and kick it up and notch.

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Sorry that should read mcg selenium, not mg!

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Sep 12Liked by Terra Times

Thank you very much for the article; I learned a lot. Time to start 'working' with iodine...I remember when I was a little girl, as soon as we used to reach the beach of the Baltic Sea my Grandmother would tell me, 'Kiddo, take deep long breaths, relax...take in iodine'...Oh, Grandma...

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Excellent info share. :)

So it follows that a larger than prescribed dose of iodine daily will help the body to eliminate the bacterial & fungal parts of the bio tech we are all harbouring... This would make perfect sense for the reasoning behind making it an unpopular mainstream supplement!

I started taking Detoxadine iodine supplement a few months ago.

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Sep 12Liked by Terra Times

Great article! I’ve been supplementing with iodine, but obviously not high enough so I will definitely take the recommendations.

I did flag something that needs clarification:

“Children – General guidelines suggest .08 mg x the weight of the child but is dependent on the health condition.”

Weight of the child in the above, do you mean kilograms or pounds?

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Pounds. Thanks for catching that. I need to show metric too.

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