I would like to seeNO MORE CDC

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Have you noticed

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That's true.

Got to remember it's only a dream

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Door #2 it is

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We will write the story until the last chapter.

Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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Yes notice their skin is shredding, pilling off. 🙏🇺🇸

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My husband's skin is starting to look like reptile skin.

Quite disturbing

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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This is so hideous! How many more people, young or old are gonna have to suffer unimaginable side affects of the jabs. Worse yet, their cries will be silenced in the name of the Almighty Dollar! 💵

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Yes absolutely! And the good news is there is a cure! Repent and turn to Jesus and ask HIM for forgiveness for this!!

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When I first heard about graphene oxide, and the possibility that it might be in mRNA vaccines, I found that a simple search for graphene oxide uses, stated that graphene oxide was specifically developed for use in mRNA vaccines. So they spent billions to develop something for a special use, then didn’t use it for that? Really? Now do that same search, and you will have to turn over rocks to find where it mentions this usage. Velly, velly, intellesting!

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Indeed. mRNA is just cover so they can continue to use graphene, which is deadly.

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Jus look at Jo!

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From the CDC website… the link was live during “Covid”

“Zombie Preparedness

CDC published “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” to the Public Health Matters blog in 2011. The post was an example of educational entertainment. It used a popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters. The campaign is now retired. You can still learn how to prepare yourself and others by visiting the Prepare Your Health website”

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Being locked up for that long didn’t help either …

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All our systems are broken.

What they do to our kids is inhumane... and not teaching the important things...

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Look at drivers they sit at traffic signals and signs in a daze not on a device god forbid looking at a paper map nada nothing just purgatory this is a weapon that was unleashed

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Wow!!! Unbelievable 😭

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I have heard of mutual acquaintances admiting that they "dont feel the same" or "dont feel right" after taking the vaccine. Otherwise, they are functional (the ones I know) but inwardly, they know they are different post-vaxx.

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