As more and more cracks in our economic system have become visible to an increasing number of people, it has become harder and harder for the parasites running this system to hide the economic reality we’ve been living in.
That reality is just a new iteration of Slavery, now commonly known as Neo-Feudalism.
A Bit of History
Slavery traces its origins back to the earliest stages of human societal development. Its existence predates written history, with evidence of slavery found in nearly every ancient culture, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to China and Pre-Columbian America. Slavery likely emerged as human societies transitioned from nomadic to agrarian lifestyles, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the need for labor to work the land. With this shift came the stratification of society, where conquering tribes or more powerful groups began to subjugate the weaker, forcing them into servitude.
In ancient Mesopotamia, one of the earliest known civilizations, slavery was already an established practice around 3500 BCE. The Code of Hammurabi, a legal document from Babylon dated to around 1750 BCE, provides one of the earliest recorded references to slavery, outlining laws governing the treatment of slaves and their status within society. Slaves were typically war captives, criminals, or debtors, reflecting a societal structure that utilized slavery as a form of punishment, conquest, or economic survival. Slavery was not yet racially or ethnically based but rather a consequence of conflict or misfortune.
The Egyptians, similarly, incorporated slavery into their society, supposedly using enslaved people to build monumental structures such as the pyramids. Contrary to popular belief, many of the workers who built these wonders were not slaves but paid laborers, though slavery remained an integral part of Egyptian culture. Slaves in Egypt were typically prisoners of war, but some were sold into slavery or born into it. Their roles varied, from working in mines and fields to serving as domestic servants. Despite their lowly status, some slaves in ancient Egypt could earn their freedom or rise in social rank.
In the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, slavery was even more institutionalized and widespread. The Greeks, particularly in Athens, relied heavily on slaves for both domestic work and skilled labor. They were seen as an essential part of the economy, working in fields, workshops, and homes. Greek philosophers such as Aristotle even rationalized slavery as a natural condition, arguing that some people were born to be slaves due to their inherent inferiority. In Rome, the institution of slavery reached new heights. Roman conquests brought in vast numbers of enslaved people from all over the empire, contributing significantly to Rome's economic power. Enslaved people could be found in almost every sector, from agriculture to gladiatorial combat.
The expansion of the Islamic empire in the 7th century CE introduced new dynamics to slavery. The Qur'an permitted slavery but encouraged humane treatment of slaves and provided avenues for their emancipation. Islamic law distinguished between free people and slaves, with the latter largely drawn from non-Muslim populations conquered in war. The trans-Saharan slave trade became an important conduit for the movement of enslaved people, particularly from sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa and the Middle East. This trade, along with the Islamic conquests, facilitated the spread of slavery across the Mediterranean and into Asia.
The condition of slavery necessitates the existence of a slaveholder/owner or coercion agent. The reality of this situation is that it is parasitic on the part of these actors. They are parasites, stealing the productive efforts of the slave.
As mentioned above, the settling down and transitioning to an agrarian society, led to stratification of the population into various groups.
Social Stratification
Assorted versions of social stratification have been around since at least the beginning of civilization.
Social Stratification refers to the unequal manner in which resources and social rewards are distributed among different social categories and groups.
Social stratification is a characteristic of society, not simply a function of individual differences.
Social stratification is universal, but variable
Social stratification persists over generations
Social stratification involves not just inequality but beliefs about inequality
Major Stratification Systems
Caste System - A closed system based on ascribed status (birth)
Nothing can be done to affect mobility and there are no chances of changing one's social position.
Such societies also recognize "ritual pollution" (i.e., certain types of interaction between people of different castes are prohibited because they tend to contaminate members of the higher caste).
Such a system promotes endogamy (i.e., marriage within one's own caste).
Remnants of this system still exist in India as well as among the ‘Royal’ families of Europe.
Chattel Slavery System - The ownership of some people by others
Contrary to popular belief, slavery was not usually based on racism, but on one of three other factors:
Debt, Crime, War and Conquest
Coercive Slavery System - People submit to effectively becoming slaves
This is a category of slavery that is often ignored because it calls into question the worship of modern economic systems, and is the most common system of slavery today around the world.
Even though Christianity looks like a religion, and people see it as such, in fact, it is a propaganda device. That’s what it has been, in effect. It was put onto the European mind to make the Feudal system, which is a system of slavery that the Caesars enacted, having the appearance of being a religious system. In other words, the serfs, which is just another word for slaves, wouldn’t rebel against the system because they believed that there was a religious basis for their servitude, that the head of the system was the Pope or Pontifex Maximus, was the representative of Jesus here on Earth and therefore they had to follow his instructions.
So the Roman Flavians created a religion that has effectively controlled the serfs and slaves of the West for over two thousand years, by utilizing an ideology that stresses turning the other cheek, viewing everything as God's will and receiving your reward once you die and enter heaven.
Estate System - the stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates:
Nobility - the wealthy and powerful families that ruled the country and owned the land; the nobility did no farming or any other work-having an occupation was considered beneath their dignity.
Clergy - the Roman Catholic Church was a political power at this time, owning vast tracts of land and collecting taxes from commoners; the church sold offices, and the wealthy could buy positions
Serfs - the commoners, including farmers, carpenters, harness-makers, and servants. It was extremely rare for a person to move out of this estate.
Class System - an open system of stratification based primarily on economic and occupational roles.
In feudal societies, life is pretty good for the nobility in the castle on the hill. For the powerless peasants working the fields below to fund the nobility, life is less good.
To maintain its grip on power, the nobility must promote a social zeitgeist in which the peasantry's powerlessness is the natural order of things and therefore resisting this structure is not only a sin, it's futile.
One key feature of feudal social orders is the impermeability of the line between nobility and peasantry, what we call social mobility. Nobility and serfdom were established at birth, never to change. Serfs were bound to the land of their birth and could not leave; their servitude was for life.
Wedged between these hereditary classes were the merchants and craft workers whose services were essential to the nobility's maintenance of power.
Capital Ownership
Another key feature of feudalism is the union of state and ownership of capital: there is only one nobility. The nobility owned the productive capital--mostly land, but also toll roads and other assets--and they were also the government: each fiefdom ruled its peasantry and controlled whatever judiciary was available.
How do Elites (The Top Parasites) Maintain Stratification?
While top parasites may use coercion and force to maintain slavery, these are not effective tactics because they breed hostility and nourish rebellion; instead, they use other techniques whenever possible:
Controlling Education - School was intended, on this continent, to be as it had been in northern Germany, a fifth column into the burgeoning libertarian condition where disenfranchised and oppressed groups were clamoring for some kind of seat at the bargaining table.
School was to be a surgical incision into which the class‐based management theories of England were to be inserted to interdict the liberty traditions. England’s multi‐layered social class is simply a modern day representation of Julius Caesar’s advice that when you are overwhelmed by the enemy you divide them and conquer them that way by setting them against each other.
Six Basic Functions Of School
1) The adjustive or adaptive function - Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority.
2) The integrating function : Develop like mindedness, unity in thought and habit.
3. The Diagnostic and Directive Function : Label children to mark them in the class structure.
4. The Differentiating Function : Divide and conquer strategy to immobilise in social structure.
5. The Selective Function : Tag the unfit – with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments – clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes.
For more info on the Dumbing Down Of Children In Public Schooling take a look at the following Post:
Public Education Destroys Children
Controlling Ideas - Ideologies are used to get people to want to do what the ruling parasites desire, even though it is not necessarily in their best interest (e.g. religious ideologies, ‘scientific’ fictions, revised history, the divine right of kings, a fair day's pay for a fair day's work)
Controlling Information - The top parasites control information in dictatorships through the use of force and imprisoning editors and reporters for printing critical reports. In democracies, these parasites accomplish the same purpose by manipulating the media through the selective release of information, misinformation and outright censorship.
Technology - Various monitoring devices help the top parasites to monitor citizens' activities without their knowledge that they are being shadowed, with ‘Smart’ phones being the latest iteration.
Social Networks - Members of the top parasites move in a circle of power that multiplies their opportunities. Contacts with people of similar backgrounds, interests, and goals to pass privileges from one generation to the next, while social media for the lower parasites and non-parasites is used to herd and monitor them.
Psychological manipulation - The use of psychoactive drugs, hypnotic music, various types of fear porn, educational regimentation, peer pressure.
Physical Impairment - The use of poisonous chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccines, genetically modified foods, EMF exposure.
The Parasitic Society
Another clever tactic used by the Top Parasites has been to glorify and normalize the parasitizing of others as a means of income and to build one’s fortune. This has been normalized to the point that it is generally accepted as the best of all possible options. Although individuals have generally accepted this, there are some that understand that it is a form of slavery. The normalization process for this type of slavery carefully excluded any discussion of alternatives that are possible.
Two blatant examples of this parasitism are utilizing Other People’s Money (OPM) and Other People’s Work (OPW).
The top parasites are very skilled at this approach and selected the Jews as the best practitioners of this parasitism, due to their long history of fleecing the residents wherever they lived, often getting exiled as a result.
Love of money is the root of many evils. Usury, the rent seekers’ preferred tool, is the weaponization of the love of money. It feeds the avarice of the usurer. It corrupts commerce, which becomes ever more exploitative to pay off ever higher interest charges. It is the foundation of rent-seeking. It rips apart the fabric of society and makes a mockery of any kind of social contract.
It causes hunger. Bankruptcies. Intense stress in families. Weighs especially heavily on the poor and leads to all sorts of excesses by the rich. Billions of people live in abject poverty all over the world because of it. Entire communities, nations are gutted to pay the interest to the opulent. Nobody counts those dying prematurely from its effects. They are billions.
Usury is the elephant in the room that nobody mentions, because like so many other injustices it has been deliberately normalized to the point that it is believed to be necessary for economies to function. When is the last time you’ve had a conversation about economic problems and anyone brought up usury as a key factor? …Never? That’s what I thought. Just as Capitalism is considered to be crucial for robust economic health, so is usury believed to be indispensable. And the two go together like hand and glove, since Capitalism is the idea of ‘return on investment’ and this is unthinkable without Usury.
The Usurers’ domination is so total, that Debt and Usury are complete non-controversial subjects, while they totally dominate everyone’s lives.
Marxism was designed to co-opt opposition against Capitalism and its parasitic banking scheme by claiming private control of the means of production as the problem, instead of the private control being consolidated in ever fewer hands through Usury.
40% of what we pay for the goods that we buy is usury passed on in prices. It’s also 50% of taxation. All this usury goes to the wealthy, enriching them by up to $2 Trillion per year in the U.S. alone, far outpacing economic growth even in good times. As Warren Buffett put it: “There’s class warfare, alright, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
And people wonder why income distribution in the United States is at the level of Haiti?
Up until the end of the Middle Ages it was forbidden for Christians to charge interest. To charge interest on a loan was tantamount to murder and robbery. Later, those who charged interest were treated as heretics. Martin Luther stated plainly: "All usurers are thieves and belong in the gallows." During the Middle Ages only Jews were allowed to lend money with interest: In Deuteronomy a Jew is forbidden to charge interest from his brother. But the goy (non-Jew) was not his brother and for Jewish extremists plunder was very common.
We are dealing with highly sophisticated, multi-generational families who, over time, have slithered their way into being accepted as the world’s money suppliers. Once they gained this control they effectively own the nations and the people they lend to. The private central banks run by these mega rich families can create money out of thin air and manipulate the financial markets, creating bubbles, recessions or inflation when they want.
Historically many Western countries have been functioning well or even thriving, when usury has been introduced, nearly always by Jewish people who came to live in that country. These countries always took a downward turn when Usury was introduced, with the usurious activity eventually leading to tremendous economic and cultural problems. Jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history, particularly because of their practice of Usury, but also due to their unwillingness to mix with the host population, or adapt to their cultural norms, while refusing to actually take part in any labor contribution to the society.
For more info on usury follow the link below:
Usury Is A Root Cause Of All Problems On Earth
The greatest degeneracy is ‘making money with money’, which is all about avoiding our duty to create a living for ourselves and our families through work. And with Capitalism producing stuff is for suckers. The ‘smart’ people work for banks and hedge funds. Or buy bitcoin. The ‘smart people’ ‘make money with money’. In other words: They’re parasites, slithering away with their loot, without having ever produced anything of any value to anybody.
The stock market is very popular in a country where people are looking to get rich without working, the same way gamblers are looking to get lucky and score big without working, and Bitcoin buyers are looking to score big in a digital pyramid scheme. Many stock owners work with brokers to purchase stock in a spread across the market, having no concern for what the companies they purchase stocks from focus their business on or how they treat their employees. It’s all about making a parasitic score, with no real work involved.
Government employees are some of the worst parasites in the economy since they are notorious for doing as little as possible while many of those in higher positions retire with annual salaries that are higher than they made while working.
The vast majority of people are trying to work as little as possible for as much as possible while their parasitic employers are trying to work them as much as possible for as little as possible. It the parasitic two-step.
There is also a long line of professions that make a fortune off of providing little or no value to society, while actually parasitizing and creating more harm than good.
The two largest cartels that stand out here are the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the Medical Cartel.
The Military Industrial Complex
The Military Industrial Complex is the greatest money laundering and protection racket organization in history, enabling the parasitizing of the taxpayers and the parasitizing foreign countries as protection for extortion. Just like the Mafia.
You may recall that Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary, on September 10, 2001, disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions, and the Pentagon hasn’t completed an audit for 7 years, with the auditors stating during the last attempt, that they were not provided with enough information to give an accurate opinion.
The Defense Department has been running a protection racket since not long after its creation. Much of the time this protection had nothing to do with protecting the Untied Slaves of America, but was to insure that countries that were being parasitized through extortion and usury remained compliant, in order to ultimately get control of key resources.
Major General Smedley Butler makes it clear:
A key part of this extortion was enabled by what can be referred to as Economic Hit Men. These agents would make deals with particularly third world countries to loan them money to build large infrastructure projects with a built in agreement that if they defaulted on the loans that the U.S. Corporation would get control of that infrastructure. The U.S. Military was included in the deal and often required a military base for enforcement of the contract. That was Smedley Butler’s job when he describes himself as a racketeer.
The Medical Cartel
The Medical Cartel is also a parasitic racket with their operation being to keep people alive, but not well, and saturated with Pharma Meds, in order to continue to extract every last dime from the patient, at which point they will only provide life saving treatment, with no frills. The hospitals and doctors in this cartel get massive kickbacks from the Phrma companies for prscribing particular medications, which are often detrimental to the patients. This cartel is parasitic from top to bottom. The recent plandemic made that crystal clear.
This parasitism goes on in cartel after cartel, with a few more being the Political Cartel, the Insurance Cartel, the Legal Cartel, the Agriculture Cartel, the Aerospace Cartel (where money laundering is a key parasitic focus), the Auto Cartel, the Tech Cartel, etc.
For the parasites at the top, working has been eliminated for thousands of years, while the next strata of parasites work as little as they can using any combination of gambling in the market (particularly with insider trading), rent seeking, and parasitizing employees in a business.
These top parasites have apparently realized that they have reached the limits of their operation to turn everyone into parasites. It’s gone to the point that the host…the plane(t) is being destroyed. They’ve got all the money they’ll ever need and own everything they’ve ever wanted so it’s time to cull the lower parasites, along with most of the rest of the population. Robot tech will take care of their physical needs, and only a few flesh robots are needed.
The Top Parasites want their hunting grounds back…..