Got WIFI? It’s cooking you, slowly but surely.
Got Bluetooth? It’s cooking you too.
Got a microwave oven? How does it cook or heat?
It uses microwaves, just like WIFI routers and Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, and baby monitors.
They all use 2.4 GHz Bandwidth RF (radio frequency), which is the same as your microwave oven. One difference between the 2.4 GHz in an oven and that produced by WIFI is that the WIFI radio wave is pulsed which means that the data is sent in ‘packets’ or ‘pulses’ along the waves, instead of as a continuous transmission, as found in a microwave oven.
It is this ‘pulse’ and the resulting square waves that many scientists contend is one of several properties of this particular form of microwave radiation that is responsible for the mechanism for adverse health effects that are being reported in the scientific literature.
Another difference is that the the RF in the oven is in a metal box and is at a higher power level than the RF emitted by your WIFI router, bluetooth device. cordless phone, or baby monitor.
Note- Warning -Baby monitors have been associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) also called Crib Death.
2.45 GHz is a medical and scientific frequency. Do we have the making of an experiment on our hands here? Do we have willing subjects? Do we have a laboratory? Do we have informed consent? It appears that quite possibly, unbeknownst to many of us, that we do. This particular frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum is commonly employed in laboratories and medicine. It is used to move chemical reactions along, anneal, synthesize and polymerize compounds, and among other things, to destroy tissue.
What does the microwave oven RF do? It cooks something from the inside out.
Many microwave ovens leak RF around the oven door, which has been suggested to be a prime cause of breast cancer in women.
What do the WIFI router and bluetooth devices do? They cook you from the inside out, but more slowly, because the power level is lower.
Columbia University actually owns a patent for taking DNA that responds to the EMF and transferring it to another piece of DNA, which can be turned on. It has been shown that this piece of DNA can be used as an electromagnetic trigger. A trigger for what? With 75,000 miles of circulatory system in the incredible machine called the human body, there are a lot of variables. Both the thermal and non thermal EMF actions elicit responses in DNA and DNA picks up all kinds of frequencies.
The nucleic structure of DNA is an incredible fractal antenna on a molecular scale. The six foot double helix molecule crammed into less than a one micron space is coiled and coiled and coiled many times over. This DNA response to the EMF emissions’ phenomenon is observed at the very lowest power levels in the 2.45 GHz frequency range. Talk about reception and gain!
It just so happens that maximum dielectric loss of water molecules, the essence of life, begins at 2.45 GHz, when the molecules oscillate, generating heat.
The current ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) standards were established in 1985 when this application of the technology was unthinkable. They rolled WiFi out in 1997 with NO SAFETY TESTING. Even more compelling is that the current ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines are intended to protect in the very short term against gross heating effects-in other words “does it burn” from short term exposures. In addition to the aforementioned, the long term non-thermal effects and the pulsed square waves are where the additional, far more serious concerns lie. Studies have been undertaken at length confirming that non-thermal dangers are real.
At this point you might be thinking “My cell phone uses RF so what’s the big deal with WIFI or Bluetooth?
Cell phones produce RF damaging to the body also, but they aren’t normally continually transmitting like WIFI and Bluetooth. Two examples of Bluetooth transmissions are a PC with Bluetooth turned-on and a ROKU device. The PC with Bluetooth enabled will normally continue to transmit Bluetooth intermittent signals or pings looking for devices to attach to and the ROKU device does the same thing trying to connect to a handheld remote. A cell phone will ping when it gets close to a new tower, when you change the connection status and when it needs to establish a connection (such as for a phone call).
If left completely passive and stationary, most cell phones send a handful of pings each day.
So WIFI is the worst culprit here since it continues sending out RF signals, pinging until it connects to something, and when it’s connected it continues to transmit.
WiFi routers and the energy they use to function may not come to mind as a "danger.” But research counters that reputation. This man-made, artificial energy is considered potentially dangerous to people by the World Health Organization.
Can WiFi Radiation really make people sick?
The answer is yes, it can. Will it always make people noticeably sick? No. Dr. George Carlo explains that there is most definitely a biological response to what he calls Information Carrying Radio Waves (ICRW) - energy fields coming from all our wireless devices.
The Earth’s fundamental frequency resonance is considered to be about 7.83 Hz, with some variation between 3 Hz to 60 Hz, so it’s obvious that modern electromagnetic devices are producing frequencies that are many magnitudes higher than the human body is used to dealing with.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Trusted Source has classified non-ionizing EMFs in the radiofrequency range as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen. These fields are produced by electronic products like cellphones, smart devices, tablets, laptops and the other devices mentioned above.
The current IARC evaluation from 2011 pointed to a possible link between RF radiation and cancer in people, particularly glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer.
IARC operates under the World Health Organization (WHO), so given the extreme under-statement by the WHO concerning the negative effects of vaccines, it’s wise to assume that they are also drastically understating the potential damage from no-ionizing EMFs emitted by electronic devices. There are hundreds of peer reviewed studies going back to the 1950’s showing evidence of biological damage from EMFs, particularly from pulsed radio waves.
A prominent Swedish scientist announced that we are now exposed to 1 Quintillion (that's 18 zeros) times more radio frequency (RF energy) than we were 10 years ago - and that increase is absolutely affecting our bodies.
Just like with any other toxin (smoking, chemicals, pesticides, etc.) not every body reacts the same to EMF exposure. However, here are some of the associations that have been confirmed by research:
Cancer and tumors
Infertility and sperm health
Insomnia and melatonin production
Decrease in heart health
ADHD & Autism
Decreased hormone levels
In fact, JUST ONE study looking at the EMF from Smart Meters found that people were experiencing the following symptoms from increased EMF exposure.
insomnia and sleep issues
headaches and head pain
tinnitus or ringing in the ears
lethargy and extreme tiredness
memory, a fog, cognitive issues
burning, tingling, numbness
cardiac symptoms and heart palpitations
joint pain
onset of Electromagnetic Sensitivity or ES or EHS
pressure, heat
anxiety, irritability
problems with eyes or eyesight
chest pain
rashes, eczema, skin issues
muscle spasms
digestive or bowel problems
cramps and twitches
nose bleeds
ear problems, worsening hearing
loss of motivation
endocrine problems and thyroid problems
increased rate of infections or colds
allergies, food sensitivity
sinus problems
lump in throat or throat problems
weight loss or loss of appetite
swollen face
bladder infections, strains
flu-like symptoms
weight gain
inability to talk
loss of motor skills
loss of feeling from the waist down
These are symptoms of people exposed to smart meter EMF which is the same EMF radiation that comes from all wireless devices.
Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, researchers have performed dozens of studies to explore the subject. The results are clear and shocking — Wifi can negatively affect overall health and brain health, especially in children.
Perhaps most shocking is that this information is not new or even that controversial. In fact, in 2008 the well-renowned publication Scientific American ran a piece called “Mind Control by Cell Phone” which explained the danger Wi-Fi has on the human brain.
An Overview Of The Potential Dangers Of Wi-Fi
1. Contributes to the Development of Insomnia
Have you ever felt more awake after using Wi-Fi or even struggled to sleep through the night? Reports of these phenomena have been frequent and even prompted a study in 2007 that evaluated low-frequency modulation from cell phones and its impact on sleep. Participants were exposed to the electromagnetic signals from real phones or no signal from fake phones. Those exposed to the electromagnetic radiation had a significantly more difficult time falling asleep and changes in brainwave patterns were observed. [2]
It’s been suggested that sleeping near a phone, in a home with Wi-Fi, or in an apartment building with many Wi-Fi signals can create chronic sleep concerns as the constant bombardment of Wi-Fi pollution interferes with falling asleep and sleep patterns. For many, sleep deprivation is just the start for larger concerns. The development of depression and hypertension have also been linked to inadequate sleep.[3]
2. Damaging to Childhood Development
Exposure to non-thermal radio frequency radiation from Wi-Fi and cellular phones can disrupt normal cellular development, especially fetal development. A 2004 animal study linked exposure to delayed kidney development. [4] These findings were supported by a 2009 Austrian study. In fact, the disruption of protein synthesis is so severe that authors specifically noted, “this cell property is especially pronounced in growing tissues, that is, in children and youth. Consequently, these population groups would be more susceptible than average to the described effects.” [5] In short, bathing the developmentally young in Wi-Fi increases their risk of developmental issues.
3. Affects Cell Growth
When a group of Danish ninth graders experienced difficulty concentrating after sleeping with their cell phones by their head, they performed an experiment to test the effect of wireless Wi-Fi routers on garden cress. One set of plants was grown in a room free of wireless radiation; the other group grew next to two routers that released the same amount of radiation as a cell phone. The results? The plants nearest the radiation didn’t grow. [6]
4. Derails Brain Function
Just as the Danish high students noticed concerns with concentration, scientists have begun to look at the impact of 4G radiation on brain function. Using MRI technology, research performed just last year found that persons exposed to 4G radiation had several areas of reduced brain activity. [7]
5. Reduces Brain Activity in Females
A group of 30 healthy volunteers, 15 men and 15 women, were given a simple memory test. First, the entire group was tested without any exposure to Wi-Fi radiation — no concern. Then, they were exposed to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi from a wireless access point for about 45 minutes. During that portion of the testing, brain activity was measured and the women had a noticeable change in brain activity and energy levels. [8]
6. Neutralizes Sperm
We’ve known for a long time that the heat generated by laptops kills sperm. Well, now it turns out that heat isn’t the only threat to a man’s virility. Research has found exposure to Wi-Fi frequencies reduce sperm movement and cause DNA fragmentation. [9] Both human and animal testing has confirmed that exposure negatively affects sperm. [10] [11]
7. Impacts Fertility
And, it’s not just sperm. The results of an animal study suggest that some wireless frequencies may prevent egg implantation. During the study, mice exposed 2 hours a day for 45 days had significantly increased oxidative stress levels. The cellular damage and impact on DNA structure from exposure suggest a strong possibility of abnormal pregnancy or failure of the egg to implant. [12]
The Karolinska Institute in Sweden released a warning in 2011, stating:
• “Pregnant women are cautioned to avoid using wireless devices themselves and distance themselves from other users,”
• “Current US [and Canada]...standards for radio frequency and microwave radiation from wireless technology are entirely inadequate,” and
• “Safety standards also ignore the developing fetus...” [13]
8. Provokes Cardiac Stress
If you think your heart races when surrounded by wireless networks or 3G or LTE cell phones, it may not be in your head. A study involving 69 subjects reported that many of them experienced a real physical response to electromagnetic frequencies. Exactly what was the physical response? Increased heart rate — similar to the heart rate of an individual under stress. [14]
9. Linked to Cancer?
This is extremely controversial but we can’t ignore that plenty of animal models indicate that exposure to electromagnetic radiation increases the risk of tumor development. While human studies are rare, reports and case studies abound. One such case involves a young 21-year-old woman who developed breast cancer. What makes this case unique was that her family did not have a predisposition to breast cancer... and she developed the tumor right on the spot she carried her cell phone in her bra. [15]
School Age Children Are Particularly At Risk From WIFI
School systems throughout the United States have been installing WIFI and wireless iPads (infertility pads) or laptops for many years now.
Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels.
Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it.
Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece:
“Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster.”
Dr.Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK:
“It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.”
Solutions To Help With WiFi Exposure
• The best solution is to eliminate WIFI and Bluetooth devices from your household and from your life if at all possible.
• Hard Wire the Internet - The truth is that giving up WiFi is the best option. Though this may take some effort, you can protect yourself and your family at home by using Ethernet cables that hard wire in. They also provide faster and more reliable internet connection. You can purchase a non-wireless router as the base for your wired internet and many routers can use both wired and wireless connections.
• Turn Devices Off when not in use - You can lower the levels by powering off WiFi, BlueTooth, printers, your cellphone and any wireless devices.
• Do Not Get A WiFi booster or High Power WiFi - There are WiFi's and WiFi boosters that claim to increase coverage of 500 feet! Really? Is that fair to the neighbors? And resist a mesh network or WiFi repeaters. What you're doing is creating a thick, toxic blanket of radiation throughout your home.
•Don't forget to turn Off WiFi and Bluetooth on all your wireless devices! Cell phones, laptops, computers, and tablets emit EMF when they’re turned on, but not in use. Setting cell phones to Airplane Mode reduces the exposure dramatically as these devices tend to remain close to the body. Don't forget all your wireless appliances! Even a Roomba or auto vacuum need WiFi turned off.
Here are some recent scientific articles that find a link between your cell phone, WiFi or Bluetooth wireless device:
If you are interested in testing the level of radio frequency EMF you are exposed to wherever you are, I highly recommend the test meter below, which I use. I think it’s a good option for someone who would like to know what level of radiation they’re being exposed to, it’s a reasonable price, it’s easy to use and it’s a best seller for the company. It can be purchased directly for $169.00 or from Amazon for $179.00 (no kickback for me either way- no affiliation).
Here’s a link to the Safe Living Technologies website (a Canadian Company):
Safe Living Technologies
They have a lot of educational info to look at, so you’ll understand how to use the meter before you receive it.
Here’s a link to amazon if you want to take a look:
Safe and Sound Classic III Radio Frequency 5G Detector
Hung CS, Anderson C, Horne JA, McEvoy P. Mobile phone 'talk-mode' signal delays EEG-determined sleep onset. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Jun 21;421(1):82-6. Epub 2007 May 24.
Cunnington D, Junge MF, Fernando AT. Insomnia: prevalence, consequences and effective treatment. Med J Aust. 2013 Oct 21;199(8):S36-40.
Pyrpasopoulou A, Kotoula V, Cheva A, Hytiroglou P, Nikolakaki E, Magras IN, Xenos TD, Tsiboukis TD, Karkavelas G. Bone morphogenetic protein expression in newborn rat kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Apr;25(3):216-27.
AUVA REPORT: Nonthermal Effects Confirmed; Exposure Limits Challenged; Precaution Demanded. Edition July 21, 2009. (last accessed 2014-04-01)
Bohn, Mathias. Student Science Experiment Finds Plants Won’t Grow Near Wi-fi Router. (last accessed 2014-04-01)
Lv B, Chen Z, Wu T, Shao Q, Yan D, Ma L, Lu K, Xie Y. The alteration of spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Sep 4. pii: S1388-2457(13)00976-0. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2013.07.018.
Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields. (last accessed 2014-04-01)
Avendaño C. et al. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45.
Atasoy H.I. et al. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology 9(2): 223-229.
Kesari KK, Behari J. Microwave exposure affecting reproductive system in male rats. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2010 Sep;162(2):416-28. doi: 10.1007/s12010-009-8722-9. Epub 2009 Sep 19.
Shahin S, Singh VP, Shukla RK, Dhawan A, Gangwar RK, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. 2.45 GHz microwave irradiation-induced oxidative stress affects implantation or pregnancy in mice, Mus musculus. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2013 Mar;169(5):1727-51. doi: 10.1007/s12010-012-0079-9. Epub 2013 Jan 22.
Karolinska Institute Department of Neuroscience, Stockholm, Sweden. LATEST WARNING: Wi-Fi Dangerous to Children and Pregnant Women - Must Read! February 3, 2011. (last accessed 2014-04-01)
Havas M. and Marrongelle J. Replication of heart rate variability provocation study with 2.45GHz cordless phone confirms original findings. Electromagn Biol Med 32(2): 253-266. Doctors warn of breast-cancer link to keeping cell phone in bra. Posted November 13, 2012. (last accessed 2014-04-01)
As about as healthy as one could be I have many of these symptoms! No Wi-Fi, metal building limits cell signal to 1 bar, sometimes 2 and no signal, anotherward weak signal. This an all vector attack on humans. Mainly from internally via food water and shedding. As Sabrina Wallace says we are the WBAN! Wide Body, literally, Area Network. This explains these symptoms best as we the people are being energy harvested like bitcoin needs energy.
All connected but not be informed consent and choice.
Interrupt the signals as an op out.
Do able. Don’t ask how, it’s out there. Arianna Love, Dr Robert Young…
Put your phone in a faraday bag (on Amazon )when you’re not using it. We need to alter our behavior.