It’s no accident that American educational systems have neglected to teach the sordid history of Weimar Germany and instead focused on a contrived history relating to World War 2.
No account of the Jewish Question in Germany can be complete without some mention of the tidal wave of sexual immorality that was to engulf the country during the period of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933).
Germans united throughout the 18th and 19th centuries under strong leadership, loyal monarchs, and good governance. Germany was a bustling European center of industry, military, culture & Christianity.
Then World War I happened. Largely orchestrated by corrupt Global interests, it was a disaster for Germany.
Germany had a string of victories, and sought a peaceful truce, but Global financiers behind the war would lose money along with their agenda, so they brought in America in 1917.
After the Global Elite succeeded in getting the US into World War I, and turning the tide against Germany, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration.
The Balfour Declaration was written to the Rothschilds and officially established Palestine as a “national home for the Jewish people” in accordance with the Zionists plans.
How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar.
The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a violent Revolution in Germany. The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, and Liberal Elites created Weimar.
The German Revolution or November Revolution resulted in the replacement of the German Federal Constitutional Monarchy with a democratic parliamentary republic that later became known as the Weimar Republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the adoption in 1919 of the Weimar Constitution.
Before getting into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first, a look at who was behind the Revolution:
Rosa Luxemburg
Kurt Eisner
Paul Levi
Leo Jogiches
Ernst Toller
Erich Muhsam
Gustav Landauer
Eugen Levine
Karl Radek
Guess what they all have in common…
The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled.
In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people.
Who wrote it?
Hugo Preuss.
What was he?
For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences.
Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister)
Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister)
Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief)
Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats)
For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.
Who were the earliest leaders?
Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.
Guess what they were…
The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering.
The people weren’t organized.
The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions.
There were food shortages and poverty. France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations.
It was an absolute mess.
The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center.
Barmat Scandal
Sklarek Scandal
Kutisker Case
Katzenellenbogen Case
All involved Jewish crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc.
Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.
The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.
Everything was tolerated.
It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.
In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.9%). All wallowed in filth and display with cynical frankness the vilest scenes of sexual perversion.
Light entertainment (revue/burlesque) was a Jewish innovation. The revue theaters, all concentrated within great cities such as Berlin, were owned and run almost exclusively by Jews. Shows consisted of little more than excuses for sexual titillation involving the display of the female form in lascivious dances that were to degenerate later into striptease and scenes of public masturbation.
Berlin became the sin capital of the world. Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods.
No sexual perversion was off the table.
The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.
The German people lay completely under Jewish domination when the first dress rehearsal for the later Sexual Revolution of the 1960s was arguably being run.
10-year-old children turned tricks in the railway stations. A group of 14-year-old Russian girls, refugees from the Red Terror in Stalin’s Communist slaughter house, managed to make a lucrative living in Berlin as dominatrices. Little girls were freely available for sex not only in child brothels and pharmacies but could be ordered by telephone and delivered to clients by taxi, like takeaway meals. Particularly bizarre were mother-and-daughter teams offering their services to the same client simultaneously.
There were no fewer than 17 different prostitute types in this Jew-created brothel city: eight outdoor types and nine indoor ones, each with their specialties and slang terminology.
The link below is to a short clip from the movie Cabaret, starring Joel Grey:
Cabaret ~ If You Could See Her
Not Even Geese Were Safe From Depravities
Practically any perversion or desire could be carried out in Berlin at this time, and it didn’t have to necessarily involve a human partner. In his memoir The Europeans, Italian journalist Luigi Barzini describes, possibly the most unusual sex act in the Weimar Republic:
“I saw pimps offering anything to anybody: little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women and animals. The story went the rounds that a male goose whose neck you cut at just the right moment would give you the most delicious frisson of all—as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, necrophilia, and sadism at one stroke. Gastronomy too, as one could eat the goose afterwards.”
Bars, amusement parks, honky-tonks sprang up like mushrooms. Along the entire Kurfürstendamm powdered and rouged men sauntered and they were not all professionals; every high school boy wanted to earn some money and in the dimly lit bars one might see government officials and men of the world of finance tenderly courting drunken sailors without any shame. Even the Rome of Suetonius had never known such orgies as the pervert balls of Berlin, where hundreds of men costumed as women and hundreds of women as men danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. In the collapse of all values a kind of madness gained hold. Young girls bragged proudly of their perversion; to be sixteen and still under suspicion of virginity would have been a disgrace.”
At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld.
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes.
In short, Hirschfeld was the quintessential Hebraic culture-killer who Adolf Hitler explained thus: “And in what mighty doses this poison was manufactured and distributed. Naturally, the lower the moral and intellectual level of such an author of artistic products the more inexhaustible his fecundity.”
Adolf Hitler referred to Hirschfeld as the most dangerous Jew in Germany.
It’s all happened before, in Weimar, Germany.
The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.
Some of main producers, directors, and actors in Weimar:
Paul Davidson
Joseph “Joe May” Mandel
Max Reinhardt
Josef Von Sternberg
Fritz Kohn
Otto Wallburg
Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein
And many more…
The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work.
People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix.
Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and discord.
“Dadaism” and “Cubism” were all the rage.
The Elites promoted this as “intellectual” and modern.
Sound familiar?
Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well.
Even prominent photographers, like Erwin BlumenfeId, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work.
Here’s one of his photos.
Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then?
Something similar to what they’re selling today.
The German media, much like today, collaborated with the political and social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.
Who ran the major newspapers and publishers in Weimar? No Germans.
Theodor Wolff
Georg Bernhard
Rudolf Mosse
“The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.” — Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question.
Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed and the global Great Depression followed.
The degenerate society was wholly unprepared.
Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse.
Stacks of German money were often worthless.
The Weimar nightmare was complete.
Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East, perpetrated by the same tribe.
Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the government (led by Werner Scholem)…as planned.
The Weimar Elite seemed unable and uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins. Now why could that have been???
Hirschfeld’s institute was a monument to moral sickness and represented everything the NSDAP stood against. In May 1933, the Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Students Union) stormed this den of debauchery shouting Brenne Hirschfeld (Burn Hirschfeld) and began beating the staff and smashing the premises. The Institute was permanently closed and its extensive lists of names and addresses were seized.
A few days later the entire library was famously burned in the streets, some 20,000 books and images, along with Marxist literature and other subversive material. Ever since, without background or explanation, corporate media and palace publishers have protested against the German students emptying their swamp.
Weimar Germany can be seen as a trial run or dress rehearsal for the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, a revolution in attitudes and behavior that was to convulse America and then spread like a moral virus to Europe and the rest of the world.
The Germans were to be the initial guinea pigs of these Cultural Marxists, all of them initially Jewish apart from Habermas. These were revolutionaries intent on complete social control by the imposition of their Marxist worldview on the rest of society. It is self-evident that there is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. The formula is simple: destroy the belief system on which that society is founded, especially its religion and its traditional codes of honor and decency. Promote godlessness and a philosophy of despair. To put it in even plainer language: reduce men to beasts if you wish to control them.
It was George Lukács, one of the founding fathers of the Frankfurt School, who had called for “a culture of pessimism and a world abandoned by God.” And it was one of their most fanatical ideologues, Willi Munzenberg, who had said he wanted to turn the world upside down and make life a hell on earth. His exact words:
“We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK! Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. “
In America the Cultural Marxists applied a variation of their Weimar techniques, but refined and honed to a high degree. This time, they’ve used multiculturalism as a weapon of mass destruction in addition to moral corruption. They’ve flooded the country with immigrants, legal as well as illegal. They’ve turned race against race (engineered ethnic conflict), parent against child (attack on authority), and man against woman (radical feminism). Above all, they’ve taught the non-White races to regard the White race as the ultimate evil: “the cancer of human history”, to quote Jewish feminist Susan Sontag.
What did the cultural Marxists learn from Weimar Germany?
They learned that the Sexual Revolution, in order to succeed, had to be a slow and gradual process. “Modern forms of subjection,” the Frankfurt School had learned, “are marked by mildness.” Weimar had failed because the pace had been too frenetic. People were aware they were being corrupted. That was fatal.
To corrupt a nation effectively one must make sure that the descent into degradation is an infinitely slow and imperceptible process, one miniscule step at a time—just as those who wish to cook frogs alive in a saucepan, reducing them to a state of comatose stupor, are advised to place them in cold water and boil them to death as slowly as possible.
And there’s no better way to effectively manage the descent into perversion than to initially use comedy to begin the normalization process.
Following are several excellent examples of this approach:
Some Like It Hot - Boy Oh Boy Am I a Boy
Woody Allen - The Sheep
Dr Manfred Reifer, a respected Jewish authority on the Weimar era, writing in a prestigious Jewish publication:
Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.” — Dr Manfred Reifer, in the German Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung, September 1933
In the same month those words were written, September 1933, Adolf Hitler removed every single Jew from positions of influence in the mass media: from the fields of literature, art, music, journalism, the cinema, and popular entertainment in general. The influence that the Jews had exerted on the German psyche was to be regarded henceforth, rightly or wrongly, as pernicious. And Kulturbolschewismus, or “Bolshevik culture”, a derogatory term for Jewish culture itself, became synonymous with moral anarchy and sexual decadence.
When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, the first 2 laws he implemented directly affected the perverted blight that had destroyed German culture.
In the following video Rabbi Yaron Reuven discusses these laws:
Rabbi Explains Hitler's First Laws Affecting Jews
Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy.
You’re never told about it because:
1. It ruins the WWII lies our governments tell us.
2. You’re in Weimar 2.0.
If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it. This scares the Elite.
Fuck me..... I knew we had been lied to about the reason Hitler was so hard on the Jews AND why Germany was invaded by the Brits & the Americans, but I thought it was ONLY because he was conducting experiments using the Jews as the lab rats for Tesla's frequency equipment & everyone was racing to get their hands on both his scientists achievements AND the scientists themselves!
This gives an entirely different & much more fundamentally explainable reason for Hitler's hatred of the Jews & his actions towards them.
The whole book burning thing we were taught in school is bullshit, along with the rest of the real history surrounding this part of world history.
I am, frankly, appalled at what was going on back then.... It clarifies exactly & much more clearly what I have been uncovering over the last 5 years regarding the disgusting & degenerate behaviour of our senior police officers, intelligence services officers & military personnel here in the UK, as well as government ministers & business people alike...
The police & intel services engineered me doing a house swap with a couple from Netherfield in Sussex in May 2019 who run one of the biggest Swinging clubs in the UK... Roy Evans & his partner Wendy.
They moved into my old house in Clover Lane Close, Boscastle, Cornwall.... Roy likes to call himself 'The Ring Master'. He caters for all the disgusting habits of the senior police officers, intel services, elites, aristocracy, masons, ministers, royalty etc. at private parties held in country estates. The police in Sussex, loads of intel officers & MI5 & 6 guys, & the Met officers were huge fans of his parties & are all members of his club.... Its why they had him relocate down to the South West of the UK so all the degenerates here could partake.
I had a friend look into them for me as I was on a watch list after being targeted for investigating the police involved! Its why I was kidnapped & raped in early 2019.... I was already investigating & gathering evidence. I have posts on my page covering what they did to me & some of what I have uncovered... There will be more to come in the summer, I'm a bit snowed under with course work at the moment & my dog is really sick too... I'm doing a degree at uni as a mature (58) student studying film & television production so I can make effective documentaries about everything!.
I understand so much more now after reading through this.... Thank you for posting it... I shall share.
Yes, so true and so few have any idea. To be sure though, we've been lied to, indoctrinated and propagandized for a very long time. Thank you, I knew all of if, yet felt like reading it, maybe to maintain the strength of my conviction (?)
watching it all unfolding in my life time. Who knows what the next few years will bring.