It’s probably not news to most people that the parasites running this shit show are doing their best to kill off as many people as they can, as quick as they can without tipping off most of the people to their plan.
I like to say that ‘By George, they want their fox hunting grounds back’.
They want everything for themselves and nothing for anybody else.
Neo-Feudalism here we come.
After the exposure of the Georgia Guidestones many people began to realize that the plan is to reduce the world population to around 500 million, with most of those allowed to live being slaves for the feudal elite that will be living the high life.
The Committee of 300, an organization composed of the supposed ‘elite’ families on Earth, created a plan years ago that targeted primarily the white race for extreme reduction first, with the black and brown races next, and most of the remaining slaves being Chinese and Japanese, since they are use to living in authoritarian societies without much complaint.
Wars have been typically used for millenia to kill off unwanted groups of people, but the resulting devastation from recent wars has become problematic with the massive costs involved.
So the elite parasites have been putting their focus on silent weapons for quiet wars against the chosen enemies. And that’s us.
This focus has emphasized manipulating people to willingly do activities and consume things that drastically shorten their lives, while at the same time the parasites wage a silent war against selected groups of people using soft weapons such as chemtrails, radio wave irradiation, fluoridated/chemically poisoned water, GMO foods, poisonous vaccines, and readily available drugs of every sort, with a particular emphasis on those that lead to death.
As a key part of this operation the parasites have also had their minions shout from the rooftops that the world population has gotten to big for the planet to support. This has been harped by various individuals and groups with the initial push by Paul Ehrlich in 1968 and his book Population Bomb, around the same time as Earth Day was created to also push the agenda forward.
This same overpopulation mantra has been harped repeatedly to the point that it has become normalized in the American public, with widespread indifference by many Americans to those killed in contrived wars or disasters. “Well, there’s too many people anyway”, has been implanted as an easy way for the indifferent to dismiss these mass deaths.
A key silent weapon for the quiet wars that has been gradually normalized is Euthanasia. In recent years they’ve put a strong focus on this, since it’s a prime way to get targeted people to kill themselves much quicker than the other poisonous factors attacking the public.
The following video by Dr. Vernon Coleman is well worth a listen since he gives a well considered review of what the parasites are up to with regard to Euthanasia.
There is an overarching issue of satanic Jewish irredentism.. There is zero literal rna DNA proof that any so called Jew has any connection whatsoever to the lost tribes. of isreal... circa600bc.
The middrle east is on fire and Gaza Palestinian Christians,Palestinian Muslims and unsurprisingly Palestinian Jews are being holocausted.. ....Genocided and exterminated with immense U S.Governmrnt support ...irrespective of millions of Americans who firmly do not support the continuing genocides of Gaza and Ukraine.**. Stop all Isreal firster- ism..
oppose all Jewish satanic irredentism..dismember defund and be done with the failed super crime apartheid state of isreal..**War crimes trials must commence.*
Very well written! Spot on. The sickos are in charge. Like, The Free Masons think they are above the law and harass us with microwave weapons to destroy our health. Everything is turned up for Targeted Individuals. You know, I have been wondering about Dr Vernon Coleman- it's like he has disappeared. His wife was dying of cancer and England had turned off his heat and his last post is several months ago. I hope he and his wife are safe.