It’s been 23 years since the Cabal and it’s legion of lackeys blatantly delivered the first murderous salvo of the New World Order.
Rudy certainly won’t forget his role in the genocide
Neither will these traitors \/
Nobody will forget this \/
And no one will forget this \/
Lucky Larry certainly won’t forget his big payday \/
The producers of the Simpsons aren’t likely to forget \/
The CIA and Mossad most certainly won’t forget \/
Anyone who saw this won’t forget \/
These folks won’t forget their part in the coverup \/
And neither will this puppet \/
Or this puppet \/
Nor will the traitors that put this trash together \/
Nor will this swamp dwelling puppet \/
The Covid Plandemic, recently orchestrated by the same Cabal, has taken the genocide to a much higher level.
Let’s not forget what a main goal here is \/
If possible can you paste the thumbnail photo doesn't seem to be in the stack
Great and succinct piece thanks!