As you’re probably already aware, more and more state and local governments and businesses are forcing people to wear face masks again.
Remember how disgusting this was the last time around?
This is what our local Costco looked like after the ‘brilliant’ mayor in our city mandated that the residents and visitors must wear masks.
I took a trip to Costco on a packed saturday and was the only one in the store without a mask. When I saw this my first thought was ‘We are f**ked!!!’ and it wasn’t too long until I was accosted by a Karen yelling at me to put my mask on….over and over again. I told her to mind her own business.
I got the point at Costco that when I ran into a person there without a mask we would high five. I even shook a couple of hands in comraderie, the unmasked were so rare.
Look at all those masks. It’s a reminder of the level of servitude that Americans have allowed themselves to be reduced to.
And when it comes to mask wearing it doesn’t take much effort to find out that the face masks worn by almost everyone do not work to prevent exposure to the so-called infectious substances claimed by the perpetrators of this hoax.
Have a look at this short video (5min) by Dr. Ted Noel proving their ineffectiveness:
Useless……but also destructive to health and particularly to the health of children, with the constant rebreathing of carbon dioxide, damaging their brain development along with other harmful effects.
And of course there’s also the psychological damage to children and to many adults created by the deliberate obstruction of proper communication with others.
This dehumanization and decommunication was obviously part of the plan.
Divide and Conquer. The 6 foot distancing was added to increase the obstruction.
Stand Strong!!!
Dr. Cowan is offering a reward for a peer reviewed paper proving the existence of an isolated virus. He can find none, and no one has claimed his cash reward.
Viruses don't exists, masks don't work, and vaccines are bioweapons.
"Unless The Goal Is To Destroy Your Health" - this was and is their goal, as everything else they were and are doing to help us get and stay "healthy". And it's working, as more and more masked people are appearing around. Fear is a nasty emotion.